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Member since ‎08-25-2009

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Hello,We have recently upgraded a hodge-podge of MCS 7835 servers.  Some I1's, some I2's, and a single I3.I was hoping to cannibalize all the RAM and HDD's to one server and make a lab/tools box.  For this, ESXi seems to be the best fit - however, I ...
So I have several problems, but I'd like to start with this seemingly *simple* one. We're running CUCM 7.1.2, and I think multicasting MoH is configured correctly, I even see the MOHMulticastResourceActive value changing in the RTMT Performance sect...
We're running CUCM 7.1, and we've narrowed down a list of "acceptable" ringtones for the company. Fortunately the boss picked Chirp1&2 as one of the acceptable rings... however when we go to roll out the XML files to adjust the ringtones (RingList.x...
So my company wants to force background graphics onto the phones - I have implemented the image to be pushed to the phones so users can choose it, but I would like to be able to push the images onto the phone without user intervention. Ultimately we...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎08-25-2009 09:00 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:56 AM
Posts 55
Total Helpful Votes Received 60