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Member since ‎07-02-2004

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We have multiple customers that recently approached us on how to change the Domain Name within their PCCE System.  The company has changed name or merged with another company now requiring this change.  In UCCE you would do a tech refresh upgrade and...
We upgaded a working IPCC 4.0.5 installation with Open Speech Recognition Server 3.0.13, RealSpeak 4.0.12, Speech Works Media Server 3.1.14.Upgraded the UCCX Server to Version 8,5.1SU2 but did not touch the Nuance/ScanSoft server.  All IPs remained t...
I'm trying to install a fresh installation of UCCX 8.0.2.  The software has been loaded and I'm running through the questions asked during the first time you run the appadmin.  I get to the point where it asks for the IP Telephony Subsystem Prefix an...
I looking for some help on configuring a Cisco Router that is connected to a Bintec Router connected to the Cisco Router via ISDN BRI. The connection is coming up as Multiple Frame Established but as outgoing call from the router to connect to a rem...
We are looking ad bonding 8 T1s using a PPP Multilink on either a 2800 or 3800 series router. Is there a limitation on the number of T1s I can bond together and is there a router limitation? For example can a 2821 router only support 6 T1s bonded w...
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Member Since ‎07-02-2004 06:34 AM
Date Last Visited ‎09-17-2024 02:33 AM
Posts 48
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