chaman prakash
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Member since ‎02-20-2013

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Hi Guys , I need help to understand how to achieve the Pause dialing on Cisco Cube .  It is a third party integration with the CUCM 11. 6 .  Speed dial is out of picture.   Here is the scenario Call Flow-- CUCM-SIP--Cube --SIP--Third party Device Exp...
Hi All,I have Natted IP address from 192.168.X.X to X.X.X.X . when the call is going out over SIP Trunk, outgoing call is working fine. But for the incoming call . Its giving no way audio. Please help me to confirm if there is a way to allow incoming...
Hello gentlemenI`m having some difficulties generating csv from the bat.xlt file downloaded from my CUCM publisher using excel 2016 as well as excel 2013I download the file, enable editing and macros, I hit the "create file format" button to generate...
Hi All, I am looking for How we can check the Em profile Login Logs/Traces. Example:- If a user logged in to the phone using the EM profile. is there any way we can check whether the user logged on with EM profile or not?If Yes duration of login and ...
Hi AllPlease help me to understand the logic and concept that how we can calculate the number of session that we can define for the Conferencing and Xcoder  Configuration on the VG.RegardsChaman
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Member Since ‎02-20-2013 08:10 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-18-2020 11:35 AM
Posts 29