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Level 5
Member since ‎03-22-2005

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I'm getting the following error when calling the addRoutePatern AXL API in CUCM 11.0. "ENUM for TRUE not found in TypeStatus"I don't see that value called out anywhere in the API documentation. Full response below:object(stdClass)#4 (3) {      ["axlc...
I'm trying to understand when the Rerouting Calling Search Space is invoked and the impact on call routing. Here's a call flow Example: PSTN Caller <--> ITSP PSTN <--SIP--> CUBE <--SIP--> CUCM Trunk <--SIP--> Cisco 8851 SIP Phone. The Cisco 8851 is...
Is anyone else having and issue with the automatic update to Jabber 11 for Mac? Per the release notes the download URL should be: Cisco-Jabber-Mac-!!.zip   Howeve...
This may not even be possible but figured I'd ping a few other brains. We are in the process of setting multiple sub-interfaces out to branch offices off our own transport. Part of this is providing them committed sub-rate interface speeds. Easy enou...
So either I'm dense or it just doesn't exist. All I really want is a report of what devices are associated to an application user. We have a situation wherein we have two CTI applications and if a single device is associated to both the world comes c...
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Member Since ‎03-22-2005 03:22 PM
Date Last Visited ‎09-26-2018 08:29 AM
Posts 78
Total Helpful Votes Received 16
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