Andrea Florio
Level 1
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Member since ‎10-26-2010

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the bug talks about type 2 routes only but i think i have the same issue: my catalyst 9300 sends the updates from what i can see *Aug 13 12:39:39.925: %BGP-5-ADJCHANGE: neighbor Up*Aug 13 12:39:39.926: BGP(10): update modified for [5][10.12....
Hello,   so i just finished to install two hyperflex clusters using the 2.6 data platform installer. Everything went right, cluster deployed and configured but for some reason i cannot login into the HyperFlex Connect GUI. When i try to connect i rec...
Hello,so i just finished to install two hyperflex clusters using the 2.6 data platform installer.Everything went right, cluster deployed and configured but for some reason i cannot login into the HyperFlex Connect GUI.When i try to connect i receive ...
Hello,i bought a WAP371 with firmware . I started the wizard and even if the radio is listed as enabled, the led is turned off and i can confirm nothing is happening. In this moment i have two radios, radio 1 for n/ac and radio 2 for b/g/n i...
Hello all, using the old script to udate Hurricane Electric ipv6 tunnel end point i ended up making this one for dyndns.the reason why is that lot's of time just a virtual interface goes down and the dns is not updated using the ddns method.Here is t...
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Member Since ‎10-26-2010 03:19 PM
Date Last Visited ‎10-30-2023 02:02 AM
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