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Member since ‎04-07-2008

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We currently have a situation with our MOH while waiting in queue for an agent to answer the call. When testing, the system will play the SampleAudio MOH file with timed interruption uccx prompt messages (please keep holding, etc). At about the 2 1/2...
normally a switch has line vty 0 4 and line vty 5 15. Is there a way to collapse that and just have line vty 0 15?  I have tried with no luck, but not sure if there is something special that needs to be done
I have an environment mixed of 3750X and 3850 switches. Connected to those switches is either hard phones (6945, 7841, 7962, 8831, 7937) or IP Communicator Softphones. We are trying to get QoS working as our pakckets continue to be marked as BE inste...
I have an environment mixed of 3750X and 3850 switches. Connected to those switches is either hard phones (6945, 7841, 7962, 8831, 7937) or IP Communicator Softphones. We are trying to get QoS working as our pakckets continue to be marked as BE inste...
I have a RL which contains two Route Groups which are Trunks that go to two Application servers. The first one in the list that it picks is our production server and the second goes to our DR server. I tried a test and brought down the production ser...
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Member Since ‎04-07-2008 08:28 AM
Date Last Visited ‎03-19-2021 12:01 AM
Posts 207