John Cheetley
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Member since ‎04-28-2013

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Evening Cisco Engineers once again, I enabled JTAPI and SOAP on cucm platform and now lost access to cucm web gui as now after reboot i get a "network timeout" message when trying to login to cucm web gui 7.12. Tried another browser and same message ...
 Hi Cisco techs, Please advised if this is in the wrong forum. Creation of sip trunk.. man there's so much to this stuff.... Keep getting a Add failed. [491] The specified name has invalid characters or is not formatted correctly for this device type...
Hi Cisco techs, Am going to ask maybe a not so smart question. Do you have to have a CTI route point configured to make outgoing calls from a cisco phone? Want to do a test call and reading about CTI RP and ports I understand that a CTI RP must be co...
Hi Team, 2 days ago was logged into CUCM 7.1.2 setting up a sip trunk to connect to ISP. Now can't login to the CUCM admin page URL Keeps advising Log on failed - Invalid User ID or Password I haven't do...
Hi Cisco Techs, Please let me know if posted in wrong forum   ISP supplied router has necessary details under VOIP and SIP tabs to connect to them for VOIP calls. Do I need to configure CUBE as part of CUCM 7.1.2 to connect calls then? Thanks again..
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Member Since ‎04-28-2013 06:36 PM
Date Last Visited ‎09-05-2018 12:26 AM
Posts 484
Total Helpful Votes Received 5
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