David Winther
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Member since ‎03-11-2005

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Hi,I get many of these errors in the "Aborted Rejected Call Detail Report" on: CallID:43462 MediaId:16488450/2 Task:48000091746, answer failed to get ack events, timeout: 5000I can't find much information about this specific error (have looked in the...
Hi,Does anyone know if it's possible to make a button on the touch panel that will function as a speed dial.? I know macro is not supported on the SX 10 but it has the ability to create an action button on the touch panel but can't seem to find out w...
Hi, We have implemented Cisco IPT at a site in Germany where they are using Deutsche Telekom as SIP provider. We have followed the guide:  Connecting Cisco Unified Communication Manager 11.5.1 to Deutsche Telekom All IP SIP Trunks via Cisco Unified B...
Have anyone tried to adjust the height of the Team Performance gadget in UCCX / Finesse 12.? I can see that there are other discussions but that is on version 11 and it seems that it has changed.This is from the default desktop layout:As explained in...
Hi, I am about to convert a Innovaphone system to CUCM. The Innovaphone is connected with a SIP trunk to deutsche telekom i am going to use the same SIP trunk on the CUCM but i can´t make any outbound calls when i test it. The register goes fine but ...
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Member Since ‎03-11-2005 01:18 AM
Date Last Visited ‎03-26-2021 12:03 AM
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