Jim Jones
Level 4
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Member since ‎09-02-2004

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This is a nice annoying bug! It says it is fixed but I don't see where a new release has been pushed on 7/2 either on CCO or through the FMC updates window. Any idea what build number this is fixed in?
I am looking again at updating my device and I was wondering if anybody has seen better support for the latest versions of Windows and Java with ASA 9.5.2 & Firepower 6. I have been having to use a jump VM for configuration before and it would be nic...
All of my devices with 12.2(55) and higher have the username secrets encrypted with SHA256 as opposed to MD5.  You can see this in the show run output as:username user secret 4 ......as opposed tousername user secret 5.... Any of the older MD5 based ...
This is most likely going to fall under the category of a brain squeeze, but I've got 2 ongoing issues with Jabber phone capabilities.  In one case a user has 2 computers show up as options for phone control.  One is as expected, the other is for tha...
Hello all,Our supervisors are wanting to be able to modify the skill level for the various resources by themselves.  We are running 9.0.2.  We've been trying to make this work with the Mobile Skill Manager but it rarely works as it should, when you c...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎09-02-2004 09:35 AM
Date Last Visited ‎11-17-2021 12:48 AM
Posts 71
Total Helpful Votes Received 55
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