Oscar Jaime
Level 4
Level 4
Member since ‎10-28-2009

User Statistics

  • 109 Posts
  • 0 Solutions
  • 26 Helpful votes Given
  • 322 Helpful votes Received

User Activity

Hi,   I'm having a bit of problems building a 3 server (v 2.9) CMS callbridge cluster. The DB cluster running in same three severs looks all good with all nodes In Sync. I have configured the Callbridges following the Resilient Deployment Guide 2.2. ...
Hi, I have upgraded a TMS server to 15.4 from 14.3.2 and now three TS 8710 blades running in local mode won't register with TMS. The check box for Discover non-SNMP Systems is not longer at the Advanced options in the Add Systems screen. I see TMS t...
Hi, Customer wants to be able to dial ip addresses via a tablet jabber registered to CUCM 11.5. I have configured one of the known workarounds in CM and the Expressway to allow dialing ip@<ip address> and this works fine for room and desktop video en...
Hi, Quick question: Anybody knows if the mLOM modules for UCS C220 M4 are hot pluggable? TIA
Hi,I’m surprised I can’t find more information on the following issue, given that many people/companies use split DNS on Collab Edge deployments.I’m also deploying Collab Edge MRA with different internal and external domains, along with B2B.Of course...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎10-28-2009 12:53 PM
Date Last Visited ‎10-19-2023 07:32 AM
Posts 109
Total Helpful Votes Received 20