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Member since ‎01-05-2002

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So I'm testing FlexVPN and I've found, for me anyway, a pretty big deal breaker.I can't ping, telnet, connect to in any way (other than routing protocol,which works fine), the "directly connected" network.What I mean by that is say my Tunnel interfac...
I'm looking for info on having multiple WAAS devices inline.  Currently our topology looks like:Alaska-574 <- T1 -> s0/0 Washington-574 s0/1 <- DS3 -> Data Center-7341Attempts to install WAAS between Alaska and the Data Center, with no WAAS in Washin...
I'm trying to have my router use Tcl to pull down a webpage from a cable modem. Here's my code so far.set sock [socket 80] puts $sock "GET /signaldata.htm HTTP/1.0\n\n" flush $sock set result [ gets $sock ] puts stdout "OUTPUT:\n$result...
Hi guys, okay, so this isn't telephony related but judging from the search I just did, there are more people in the VoIP groups with tcl scripting experience than in the wan/lan group where this probably belongs.So what I'm trying to do is have my ro...
Every since we've upgraded to 12.4(12), we've seen our T1 DSU V2 WIC cards go bad with a %SERVICE_MODULE-4-WICNOTREADY error message in the log file. I haven't had a single occurance at my 50 sites with V1 WICs but it happens sporadically with V2 WI...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎01-05-2002 11:58 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 04:03 AM
Posts 120
Total Helpful Votes Received 29
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