Level 4
Level 4
Member since ‎09-09-2004

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  • 172 Posts
  • 2 Solutions
  • 73 Helpful votes Given
  • 27 Helpful votes Received
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User Activity

Hi - We have a customer requirement where they would like each of their agents to have multiple one to one calls with their clients.  The agents can then have the ability to be able to securely conference in an audio stream that is sourced from the c...
Hi - We have an existing customer AD Integrated using sAMAccountName as the primary attrib for the CUCM 10.5 userid. The customer is also using Jabber with JID set to default userid@emaildomain. There is now a requirement for a merger with another or...
Hi - Our customer has UCCX 10.6 with pure Finesse environment - they have concerns on the Finesse phonebook user interaction, i.e. the phonebook is only available when on an active call and the "consult" button is pressed. This does not actually plac...
Hi - we are having an issue with our customer deployment to the extent they no longer wish to continue with CUIC as a Dashboard / Wallboard application.  We have set bespoke reports and embedded them into a dashboard and all looks good until half way...
Hi - We are setting up a CUBE with CUCM connected to our ITSP.  Inbound calls are working fine, however we are receiving a SIP 503 for outbound calls as below:Sent:SIP/2.0 503 Service UnavailableVia: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bK40fc99b...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎09-09-2004 06:42 AM
Date Last Visited ‎10-17-2022 06:51 AM
Posts 172
Total Helpful Votes Received 27
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