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Member since ‎10-10-2002

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  • 101 Posts
  • 3 Solutions
  • 20 Helpful votes Given
  • 23 Helpful votes Received
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Does anyone know if the 'service config' command is required for switch clustering to work properly on 3500XL series switches? I'm trying to eliminate the TFTP broadcast from some of my switches. The config was setup by someone else several years a...
I'm trying to get Apple's l2tp/ipsec client to function with an ASA. I've successfully connected with Cisco's client, with the desired access to the remote subnet, but as soon as I add this command:crypto ipsec transform-set TUNNEL_ESP_3DES_SHA mode...
Has anyone had any issues adding device compatibility for the 7906 to CM 4.1(3)? I've installed DevicePack 4.1-78, the proper load info is displayed in the Device Defaults page, but when I go to add a new phone, 7906 is not available in the drop dow...
I'm configuring a 2811 with a PPWR-DCARD-16ESW card, I can't figure out how to get traffic from the switch ports to one of built in ports(Fa0/0 or Fa0/1). I'm assuming I don't need to run a 6" patch cable from one end of the router to the other.
Does anyone know of a document that outlines the different authentication options in IOS. Specifically I'm trying to understand the interplay between using radius, local, none(what is this option for?) and how the presence of an enable secret affect...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎10-10-2002 12:30 PM
Date Last Visited ‎04-01-2022 12:03 AM
Posts 101
Total Helpful Votes Received 23
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