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Member since ‎06-24-2001

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I would like to understand this term "QoS flavor". Does it has to do with the usage of class, policy-map, CWFQ", IP precedence or DSCP, to configure your QoS?A appreciate the explanation and I am sorry for the lack of knowledge about the term.
I want to stack one cat3750G-12S as master and a Cat3750G-24T as Slave. I went through the problem of use the proper SDM. As per Cisco recomendation both switches needs to be in aggregator mode. But there is no recomendation for both swicth to be run...
I have a pair of Cisco 831 routers, and I would like to implement a site to site VPN using static IP adresses provided by the ISPs on each side.I am looking for a configuration sample using IPSec (not GRE). I can use SEAL, it is OK, but I also will h...
I have three sites to interconnect and two SP. One SP connecting two site. The other SP connecting the three sites.I would like to use my router (7206) to route my company's traffic between the two SP if one of my site have a failure with one of the ...
I am looking for a configuration sample for a BGP router connecting to to providers with backup routes. I will have three sites interconnected to the two providers.If you have please let me know. I could not fin anything like that in the Cisco.comTha...
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Member Since ‎06-24-2001 05:25 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:50 AM
Posts 158