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Member since ‎06-19-2002

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Our customer is using LMS3.01. They have a couples of switch stacks comprising 4-9 3750G switches per stack. It is found that in the topology map of the campus manager, the switch stack would not change color when one of the member switch is power do...
I have just installed LMS3.0 in a customer network. The DFM does not work as the devices imported from DCR is stcuked in the listening stage. My DFM version is 3.0.0 and I have been following the forums thread to resolve the problem but was not succe...
I have a 2611XM with NM-2V and Vic-2xo module. The router runs advance enterprise feature 12.4-21a. The router is able to recognize both NM-2V and Vic-2FXO module but I can not access the voice-port interface mode to configure the FXO. Is there any ...
We have two IP contact centers in two different locations interconnected by metro-ethernet. However, we have recording system only in the main contact centers. Is it possible to do remote span across the metro-ethernet such that we can mirror the tra...
Is there any work-around for ACS to support windows password aging/expiring ? We are using ACS 3.3 applicance and find out user is being lockout when change password in the next log-on box is checked in Microsoft AD. We do see the box prompting for c...
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Member Since ‎06-19-2002 01:26 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-02-2022 07:11 AM
Posts 25