Level 1
Level 1
Member since ‎09-13-2002

User Statistics

  • 72 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 14 Helpful votes Given
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User Activity

When I associate a interface vlan of a Cat6509 to a bridge-group, local switch cannot see through hsrp the partnet switch. Bridge-group is neccessary because we need dlsw+.
I have a Nokia FW with a 10/100/1000 interface connected to a Catalyst 3524XL. It is configured forzed 100-full and working ok. Last week I tried to change the switch to a Catalyst 3750G, and link was down. We changed speed, duplex, auto, etc, but li...
We want to let clients from a more secure interface to start sessions to servers in a less secure interface. We want the clients to reach the server with no nat, that is, to maintain the same source address. We are using the PDM to configure the pix,...
We have got some strange messages in a Cat6509 IOS Native 12.1(23)E2 with Sup1A and we don't know where we can find the meaning. The messages are:Mar 7 08:42:37: Processor 0 of module in slot 1 cannot service session requests.Mar 7 08:42:40: Proces...
We want to connect several Cat6509 with Sup1A and native IOS through two Gigabitethernet. We are configuring the different types of etherchannel: ON/LACP/PAGP. We would like to know what benefits we have with each type. What do you recommend? We doub...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎09-13-2002 03:01 AM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:51 AM
Posts 72
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