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Member since ‎03-19-2018

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Collaboration Community,    I am looking to setup a couple conference room phones but would like to not utilize more than one DN if possible, is it recommended or considered best practice to use a shared DN between conference phones or utilize one DN...
we are trying to accomplish the following:  we are running into issue inserting the *OR* and space. has anyone ran into something like this? This is a client request.
whenever someone externally calls in and leaves a voicemail users won't be notified half the time and the other time they will. Internally this all works as it should, it is only when someone calls in externally.
PCI scan came back that aggressive mode needs to be disabled on ASA. I am looking through forums and researching, I am seeing conflicting information on this. The command to disable aggressive mode is crypto ikev1 am-disable. But this is where it is ...
ASA 5515 ver 9.4(4)36 is not handing out DHCP leases, only one interface is setup for DHCP dhcpd address Guestdhcpd dns interface Guestdhcpd lease 3000 interface Guestdhcpd enable Guest I have done no dhc...
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Member Since ‎03-19-2018 07:56 AM
Date Last Visited ‎12-18-2019 12:07 AM
Posts 20
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