Andreas Stuber
Level 4
Level 4
Member since ‎08-09-2009

User Statistics

  • 70 Posts
  • 3 Solutions
  • 5 Helpful votes Given
  • 33 Helpful votes Received
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Hello,Is there a way how we can use Cisco Context service but store certain sensitive customer information/ fields on the customer's premises, such as Telephony PIN , VIP status and other? In the banking sector it is almost impossible to allow storag...
Does Cisco CCO support OAuth/ could it be used instead of another OAuth login such as Google or Facebook?Also, ist it possible to synchronize users from a company LDAP account to the company's CCO accounts?This would prevent companies to having to ma...
Hello, is there a published API to import/ export/ share ConfigSets, for example from/to a third party CRM or CPQ tool? It seems that Netformx DesignXpert has such  capabilities:
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎08-09-2009 03:48 PM
Date Last Visited ‎05-21-2024 04:05 AM
Posts 70
Total Helpful Votes Received 33
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