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Level 1
Member since ‎04-17-2018

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  • 9 Posts
  • 1 Solutions
  • 30 Helpful votes Given
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Hello   I have 2 ISR's. Site A is located in a country that does not allow VOIP, So I am trying to tunnel that traffic to use my internet connection at Site B. All other non-interesting traffic from Site A should still use Site A's internet connectio...
Hello,   I have 2 Cisco ISR's that I am trying to set up with a site-to-site VPN. I want the ISR at point A to only push traffic through the VPN to point B if it is destined for certain ports (voip, 1935). All other traffic from point A should not us...
I have a Cisco ISR 4400 series with a very simple set up. I have an inside LAN interface and a WAN interface. When IP NAT outside is on my WAN facing interface, my LAN can access the internet, however, I can not SSH or Ping the WAN interface from the...
In my current setup I have an ISR4400 directly connected to the ISP. I am able to connect to the internet from the inside and ping any public IP as well as the outside interface IP.. However, I can not ping the outside interface from an outside IP. I...
In my current setup I have an ISR4400 directly connected to the ISP. I am able to connect to the internet from the inside and ping any public IP as well as the outside interface IP.. However, I can not ping the outside interface from an outside IP. I...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎04-17-2018 04:04 AM
Date Last Visited ‎06-20-2018 03:58 AM
Posts 9
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