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Member since ‎07-05-2018

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  • 52 Posts
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Is there a way to adjust or change the naming convention of the wav files that get sent via UM?  They all are named voicemessageThey are lined up in the attachments in order but it would be nice to have 1,2,3,4,5 or some other type of naming schema s...
It looks like Cisco is no longer going to be producing this product and has recommended an Oracle product or any other 3rd party sip proxy system in the compatibility matrix. Has anybody already replaced vCUSP with an alternative product?  If you hav...
The instructions on getting the two connected are rather straight forward.  I have followed them and have tried both TLS and Non-Tls connections with the same 'timed out' error.  Has anybody gotten this to work?    I dont see any blocks in our log ag... Has anybody gotte...
We have a strict password change policy and I need to know if there is anyway to change the proxy password other than through the CLI.  Cisco TAC told me they hadn't ever heard of a 'service' account with such a policy and didn't have any advice on h...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-05-2018 08:32 AM
Date Last Visited
Posts 52
Total Helpful Votes Received 26
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