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Member since ‎10-11-2002

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Disclaimer:  Yes, security fanatics may not approve of this (but, hey, they would probably never really approve of anything, anyway).  However, for most pragmatists, this is a feasible solution with acceptable risk to an elevated credentials problem....
First-time attempt at this... I'd really appreciate some help getting a (seemingly simple) "Make REST Call" step working... I've spent a lot of time looking for examples online but nothing really helped.  I feel like I have two left thumbs - I can ne...
CUCM 12.5 and UCCX 11.6I currently have a UCCX script that uses the CUCM publisher directory lookup URL to retrieve a calling contact's "<last>, <first>" name based on his/her caller ID (https://<CUCMpublisher>:8443/ccmcip/xmldirectorylist.jsp?n=<cal...
SymptomsThere's probably not a single UCCX installation that doesn't have some scripts requiring alternative handling options due to some sort of federal, state, local and/or company holidays.  Widely circulated solutions require annual modifications...
Howdy... I have an old 2504 controller that has performed faithfully until... well, recently.  We have an upgrade to HA 3504 controllers coming up within a few weeks (yes, including service contract) but until then I will need to make things happen w...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎10-11-2002 07:10 AM
Date Last Visited ‎04-09-2020 10:17 PM
Posts 103
Total Helpful Votes Received 54
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