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Member since ‎01-22-2019

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Hello,  Any toughts on how to resolve this issue? Clients that connect to ssid via cisco ap's in a Controller environment are seen as rogue ap's:Rogue client: 76:28:b3:98:25:c8 is detected by 1 APs Rogue Client Bssid: f0:c4:2f:9f:22:bb, State: Alert,...
Hello, I have a SF350 switch with Fe ports and 4 Unifi Ap's connected through a POE Injector. The problem is that when i connect them all to FastEthernet ports when the clients upload the ports from the switch are flapping. (I reproduced the issue wh...
Hello, I have a SF350 switch with Fe ports and 4 Unifi Ap's connected through a POE Injector. The problem is that when i connect them all to FastEthernet ports when the clients upload the ports from the switch are flapping. (I reproduced the issue wh...
Hello, As the title says only the logs appear, but the commands are not executed. Can you please help?event manager applet MainBGP-DOWNevent syslog pattern "%BGP-5-ADJCHANGE: neighbor Down"action 0.1 syslog msg "MainBGP-Down: Removing s...
Hello guys, I have a site to site vpn tunnel route-based ikev2 between 2 asa's and I am trying to obtain aaa ldap for anyconnect. The topology is like this:ASA1 <----------IPSEC-vti tunnel (working)--------> ASA2 (anyconnect config remote authenticat...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎01-22-2019 12:15 AM
Date Last Visited ‎02-01-2021 09:36 AM
Posts 58
Total Helpful Votes Received 70
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