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UC320 questions

Level 1
Level 1


I have installed 2 UC320s.  On my 2nd install the customer wants to be able to use an external transfer on the analog trunk.  This requires a hook flash.  I have not been able to figure out how to do this.

3 analog trunks

uc320 in blend mode

5 spa 504G sets

I have tried with direct line appearances and with no line appearances (dial 9 to access trunks).  The spa 504 does not show a hook/flash button or key anywhere that I can find.  Is the UC320 able to produce a hook/flash ?

also, is it possible for the auto attendant to produce a hook/flash.. for instance, customer wants after hours calls to transfer to an on call techs cell phone, can the UC320 produce a hook/flash in the instance to access the central office external transfer function on the analog trunk ?  This is to not tie up 2 lines, but access the external transfer feature on the analog trunk itself

The customer has a 4th line (fax line) they would like this line to be accessible from the UC320 to make a 4th call only if the other 3 lines are busy.  How do I setup the UC320 to call out on line 4 only when the other 3 lines are busy?  I can not make 4 line appearances as the spa504 sets require one intercom set button. 

Also, is it possible to have line appearances, and still have those line accessible from the dial out group when 9 is pressed?

Also, is it possible to break up the dial plan, for instance, have dial 8 go to analog trunks 1 or 2 and have dial 9 go to analog trunks 3 and 4 ?

I like the simplicity of the interface, however so far, it looks like the system is too dumbed down... please make an advanced tab or something that allows for dial plan manipulation (trunk call out order ect...), set VLANS, DSCP marks, cos etc... and other higher level functions.  This thing works great for basic vannila stuff but if you need to do anything else good luck.

How do you check which voip encoding is being used, g.711 or g.729... can you force the phones to use one of the other?  Does it support T.38... g.729 with VAD ?

Does the UC320 support Central office voice mail idication lamp on the analog trunks ?  How about call waiting on the analog trunks... how do you do a hook/flash (redundant question, I know im just sort of ranting at this point)

Also, how do you create call restrictions.. for example, limit a lobby phone from dialing long distance, 900 #s, but still allow calling cards and 800 numbers ?

Any help would be great,

CTL Jake

10 Replies 10

Level 4
Level 4


Let me categorize your questions and answer them

1. Hook Flash Support: Currently the UC320 / SPA Phone do not have any hook flash support or Centrex feature integration. Centrex capability is likely in the next release at the end of this year, however hook flash would still not be supported in the near term.

2. Fax Line:  You could put a splitter on the 4th line and send one end to Fax and the other end to UC320. In the PBX mode ( 9+number) the 4th line would be selected last for outbound calls. On Shared FXOs offcourse it is user choice. They would need to be told not to use the Fax Line.

3. Simplicity: Yes this is intentional for a High Volume product. If you like to tweak things we would recommend proposing the UC500.

4.  Codec: Yes preffered codec can be chose on the SIP trunk. T38 is supported.

5. MWI form CO: Again unsupported Centrex feature. In Key system mode you should be able to hear stutter dial tone.

6. Call Restriction: It is likely that this feature will be in our next major release at the end of this year.


Thanks for the detailed response.

What a shame.... a small business phone system that does not support one centrex feature or the ability to do call restrictions.

in response to item 3.

It is not that I would like to tweak things.  It is to customize the phone switch to meet the customers needs/wants. 

If by high volume you mean 'cheap' than this product currently is cheap in over all functionality.  Upgrade to a UC500 just to be able to do digit minipulation, centex and call restrictions is not a good answer in my humble opinion.  As I am sure cisco is starting too learn, most small business's do not fit into the cookie cutter models that cisco has designed this product around.  Again what a shame.

In response to item 4.

How do I know what codec the spa phone is using to talk to the UC320?  Can I change the codec from g.729 to g.711 or vice versa?  Can I edit the voice and data vlans in the UC320?



Level 1
Level 1

Does the UC320 support Centrex features yet?


Can you be a bit more specific in what you would like to see in terms of Centrex features?  Currently, we are working on a solution for a basic centrex dialplan where you would send a steering digit to the FXO such as a 9 or 0 to get an outside line from the centrex provider.


Level 1
Level 1

Does the UC320 support restrictions yet?

Is it possible to add a static routes to the UC320?  For instance if the customers network has multiple sites connected via VPN and the UC320 is acting as the Data Network router?

Level 1
Level 1

from what I've seen call restrictions should be in FW Ver 2.2 to be released after feb 2012. As of now there are no static routes on the uc320w. I don't believe you will see this feature on the uc320w as it is built for the single site <24 user market. The uc500 series would be best for your multi-site clients.

Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPhone App

Is there an update specific to just the Central Office switchhook capability?  This alone would be a big plus in supporting both Call Waiting and network based 3-Way Calling/Call Transfer capabilities.

Level 1
Level 1

Is Hook Flash supported on this system in anyway? 

Customer wants to have an opion in their Auto Attendant to transfer to an external cell phone and not tie up 2 lines, use hook flash to do an external transfer?  Is this possible?

Custome would also like to use hook flash to do external transfers on incoming FXO calls, they are using SPA 508, I can not figure out how to make that phone do a hook flash for the external transfer, is hook flash possible on these sets?



Hi Jake,

UC320W can support call transfer, but FXO lines are tied up since UC320W acts as the call agent. Hook flash at FXS phone is supported to conference or transfer the call internally or externally, again FXO lines are tied up for the external transfer.

Best regards,


Level 1
Level 1

I too have been waiting for hook/flash.

At the very least the support for dial strings within Ext dial boxes. 

Example:    ! = Hook/flash    , = pause     H = Hangup

Call comes into AutoAttendent.  Caller chooses 1 which calls dials external number. 

Dial string looks like this.    !,,800number,,!,H

this would hook flash the line,  Pause, dial the number, Pause to wait for dialing, hook flash back to orginal caller (conf), wait to ensure call is connected, hang up.

doesn't make sense that you have to use a 2nd line.  15 and 20 year old phone system support this, but Cisco can't get their heads out of the sand and reconize the importance here.

With all the business that have calls routed to call centers or answering services for after hours calls this would be welcome feature/fix.