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SPA9000 with SPA3102 configuration questions

Level 1
Level 1

I have installed an SPA9000 with an SPA3102, two SPA962, one WIP310, two SPA942, five SPA922, two SPA921 and three SPA901.  All of the components have the latest firmware uipgrades as of a month ago. The SPA9000 and SPA3102 configurations were done according to the instructions on the web site and the local distributor in Lima, Perú.

I have encountered the following issues and would appreciate your help in resolving them:

  1. Local Time changes periodically.  I have configured the SPA9000 for GMT-5, set Daylighy Saving Time Enable to no, and erased the Daylight Saving Time Rule and the time web site, but time keeps updating automatically to DST (NY time).  I have checked all phone terminals and all have the same configuration.
  2. Busy tone when using call pickup and group pickup for outside call.  Works fine on first stage of pickup, gets busy tone on second stage, when selecting the line to be picked up (from the SPA3102).  Works fine on internal calls though.
  3. No caller id passthrough to phone terminals on calls coming in through the SPA3102.  Phone only shows the User id of the SPA3102.  How should I configure the SPA9000/SPA3102 to view caller id?
  4. When originating call, the called outside number is not stored in the redial list, only the SPA3102's User id.  Is there a way to have the SPA3102 work as an SPA400?
  5. When receiving outside calls, through the SPA3102, the phones ring according to the programmed Hunt Group, but only four rings before it is forwarded to the aa.  I have changed the time on Cfwd No Answ Delay to 120, but no change.  To avoid problem, I have erased the cfwd=aa istruction from the contact list.
  6. Cannot apply timer to SPA962 LCD backlight.  I have followed instructions to apply timer on light but the phone will not take it after pressing save.  Is there another way to force the light to turn off?  It is too annoying to have it on at night, especially if there are two of these terminals?

Thanks in advance for your help.

9 Replies 9

Alberto Montilla
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi Luis;

Please see my comments inline.


LufiGarrido wrote:

I have installed an SPA9000 with an SPA3102, two SPA962, one WIP310, two SPA942, five SPA922, two SPA921 and three SPA901.  All of the components have the latest firmware uipgrades as of a month ago. The SPA9000 and SPA3102 configurations were done according to the instructions on the web site and the local distributor in Lima, Perú.

I have encountered the following issues and would appreciate your help in resolving them:

  1. Local Time changes periodically.  I have configured the SPA9000 for GMT-5, set Daylighy Saving Time Enable to no, and erased the Daylight Saving Time Rule and the time web site, but time keeps updating automatically to DST (NY time).  I have checked all phone terminals and all have the same configuration.

[Alberto] Ok, this looks like you have not configured properly the SPA9000. In SPA9000, go to router, then to WAN setup and configure the NTP server and submit settings. Then go to Voice, Regional and set the Timezone to the TZ of Perú. Submit settings, system and phones will reboot and time should be set properly.

  1. Busy tone when using call pickup and group pickup for outside call.  Works fine on first stage of pickup, gets busy tone on second stage, when selecting the line to be picked up (from the SPA3102).  Works fine on internal calls though.

[Alberto] Not sure I understand which procedure are you following, call pickup is always towards a extension. Please elaborate more on the issue.

  1. No caller id passthrough to phone terminals on calls coming in through the SPA3102.  Phone only shows the User id of the SPA3102.  How should I configure the SPA9000/SPA3102 to view caller id?

[Alberto] Go to SPA3102 "PSTN Line" and set PSTN CID For VoIP CID: to Yes

  1. When originating call, the called outside number is not stored in the redial list, only the SPA3102's User id.  Is there a way to have the SPA3102 work as an SPA400?

[Alberto] SPA3102 is a different device and code, so they dont behave similarly.

  1. When receiving outside calls, through the SPA3102, the phones ring according to the programmed Hunt Group, but only four rings before it is forwarded to the aa.  I have changed the time on Cfwd No Answ Delay to 120, but no change.  To avoid problem, I have erased the cfwd=aa istruction from the contact list.

[Alberto] There may be a conflict between the delay answer in SPA9000 and the delay answer on the phones.

  1. Cannot apply timer to SPA962 LCD backlight.  I have followed instructions to apply timer on light but the phone will not take it after pressing save.  Is there another way to force the light to turn off?  It is too annoying to have it on at night, especially if there are two of these terminals?

[Alberto] On screen saver, you need to set the following option for Screen Saver Icon: Power Save Screen.

Thanks in advance for your help.


Thanks for your reply.  I have some comments in line to your's, for which I would appreciate your ideas:


I have installed an SPA9000 with an SPA3102, two SPA962, one WIP310, two SPA942, five SPA922, two SPA921 and three SPA901.  All of the components have the latest firmware uipgrades as of a month ago. The SPA9000 and SPA3102 configurations were done according to the instructions on the web site and the local distributor in Lima, Perú.

I have encountered the following issues and would appreciate your help in resolving them:

1.     Local Time changes periodically.  I have configured the SPA9000 for GMT-5, set Daylighy Saving Time Enable to no, and erased the Daylight Saving Time Rule and the time web site, but time keeps updating automatically to DST (NY time).  I have checked all phone terminals and all have the same configuration.

[Alberto] Ok, this looks like you have not configured properly the SPA9000. In SPA9000, go to router, then to WAN setup and configure the NTP server and submit settings. Then go to Voice, Regional and set the Timezone to the TZ of Perú. Submit settings, system and phones will reboot and time should be set properly.

(Luis)  I have erased the web site from the NTP field and it seems to work.

2.     Busy tone when using call pickup and group pickup for outside call.  Works fine on first stage of pickup, gets busy tone on second stage, when selecting the line to be picked up (from the SPA3102).  Works fine on internal calls though.

[Alberto] Not sure I understand which procedure are you following, call pickup is always towards a extension. Please elaborate more on the issue.

(Luis)  What procedure should I use to pick up PSTN calls from an extension that is not ringing?  The only one described in the manual is the call pickup and the group pickup

3.     No caller id passthrough to phone terminals on calls coming in through the SPA3102.  Phone only shows the User id of the SPA3102.  How should I configure the SPA9000/SPA3102 to view caller id?

[Alberto] Go to SPA3102 "PSTN Line" and set PSTN CID For VoIP CID: to Yes

(Luis)  I have done so and the incoming calls only keep showing the User id on the SPA3102 and not the caller’s phone number.  The caller id is not being relayed to the phone.

4.     When originating call, the called outside number is not stored in the redial list, only the SPA3102's User id.  Is there a way to have the SPA3102 work as an SPA400?

[Alberto] SPA3102 is a different device and code, so they don’t behave similarly.

(Luis)  Is there a way that the redial-list store not only the SPA3102’s User id but the outside number also?   The redial list only has the SPA3102’s User Id used to access the PSTN.

5.     When receiving outside calls, through the SPA3102, the phones ring according to the programmed Hunt Group, but only four rings before it is forwarded to the aa.  I have changed the time on Cfwd No Answ Delay to 120, but no change.  To avoid problem, I have erased the cfwd=aa istruction from the contact list.

[Alberto] There may be a conflict between the delay answer in SPA9000 and the delay answer on the phones.

(Luis)  Where can I check for these other delays on the phones?

6.     Cannot apply timer to SPA962 LCD backlight.  I have followed instructions to apply timer on light but the phone will not take it after pressing save.  Is there another way to force the light to turn off?  It is too annoying to have it on at night, especially if there are two of these terminals?

[Alberto] On screen saver, you need to set the following option for Screen Saver Icon: Power Save Screen.

(Luis)  I have yet to try this.

Thanks in advance for your help.


Additionally, is there a way to change the date format form mm/dd to dd/mm?


Luis F. Garrido

LufiGarrido wrote:


Thanks for your reply.  I have some comments in line to your's, for which I would appreciate your ideas:


I have installed an SPA9000 with an SPA3102, two SPA962, one WIP310, two SPA942, five SPA922, two SPA921 and three SPA901.  All of the components have the latest firmware uipgrades as of a month ago. The SPA9000 and SPA3102 configurations were done according to the instructions on the web site and the local distributor in Lima, Perú.

I have encountered the following issues and would appreciate your help in resolving them:

1.     Local Time changes periodically.  I have configured the SPA9000 for GMT-5, set Daylighy Saving Time Enable to no, and erased the Daylight Saving Time Rule and the time web site, but time keeps updating automatically to DST (NY time).  I have checked all phone terminals and all have the same configuration.

[Alberto] Ok, this looks like you have not configured properly the SPA9000. In SPA9000, go to router, then to WAN setup and configure the NTP server and submit settings. Then go to Voice, Regional and set the Timezone to the TZ of Perú. Submit settings, system and phones will reboot and time should be set properly.

(Luis)  I have erased the web site from the NTP field and it seems to work.

2.     Busy tone when using call pickup and group pickup for outside call.  Works fine on first stage of pickup, gets busy tone on second stage, when selecting the line to be picked up (from the SPA3102).  Works fine on internal calls though.

[Alberto] Not sure I understand which procedure are you following, call pickup is always towards a extension. Please elaborate more on the issue.

(Luis)  What procedure should I use to pick up PSTN calls from an extension that is not ringing?  The only one described in the manual is the call pickup and the group pickup

[Alberto] SPA9000 supports call pickup (both directed and group) only towards a extension that is ringing. Suggestion is that you direct incoming calls either to the autoattendant or to a specific extension. Then the extension will ring and you can do call pickup to it.

3.     No caller id passthrough to phone terminals on calls coming in through the SPA3102.  Phone only shows the User id of the SPA3102.  How should I configure the SPA9000/SPA3102 to view caller id?

[Alberto] Go to SPA3102 "PSTN Line" and set PSTN CID For VoIP CID: to Yes

(Luis)  I have done so and the incoming calls only keep showing the User id on the SPA3102 and not the caller’s phone number.  The caller id is not being relayed to the phone.

4.     When originating call, the called outside number is not stored in the redial list, only the SPA3102's User id.  Is there a way to have the SPA3102 work as an SPA400?

[Alberto] SPA3102 is a different device and code, so they don’t behave similarly.

(Luis)  Is there a way that the redial-list store not only the SPA3102’s User id but the outside number also?   The redial list only has the SPA3102’s User Id used to access the PSTN.

[Alberto] Unfortunately not possible.

5.     When receiving outside calls, through the SPA3102, the phones ring according to the programmed Hunt Group, but only four rings before it is forwarded to the aa.  I have changed the time on Cfwd No Answ Delay to 120, but no change.  To avoid problem, I have erased the cfwd=aa istruction from the contact list.

[Alberto] There may be a conflict between the delay answer in SPA9000 and the delay answer on the phones.

(Luis)  Where can I check for these other delays on the phones?

[Alberto] The hunt group call forwarding is on the contact list (answer delay). The ones on the phone are on the [User] tab of each phone guy (also on the preference menu of the display - cfwd answer delay)

6.     Cannot apply timer to SPA962 LCD backlight.  I have followed instructions to apply timer on light but the phone will not take it after pressing save.  Is there another way to force the light to turn off?  It is too annoying to have it on at night, especially if there are two of these terminals?

[Alberto] On screen saver, you need to set the following option for Screen Saver Icon: Power Save Screen.

(Luis)  I have yet to try this.

Thanks in advance for your help.


Additionally, is there a way to change the date format form mm/dd to dd/mm?

[Alberto] Yes, directly on the phone preferences (display)


Luis F. Garrido


Thanks for the new tips.  I still have a couple of questions:

  1. OK.  Still working fine.  Do you have a suggestion of another web site, different than the default, that may supply time to South America?
  2. I have done as you suggest.  When picking-up ringing extension the system goes to a second stage, requesting to choose a line on the extension.  That is when it returns a busy tone.
  3. Any ideas on relaying the outside caller id to the phone?
  4. OK, understood
  5. OK, it works.
  6. OK, it works

I have also made the change on the date format.

Additionally, please confirm that the connection of the equipment to the network is correct.  I have done so according to indications obtained locally, but that could be part of the problem.

The acting router is the WRT310N connected to a ADSL modem.  The WRT310N is also the DHCP server.  Two SLM224P switches are daisy chained to the WRT310N and the SPA9000 and SPA3102 are connected to the network from the Internet port to two ports on one of the SLM224Ps.  I have searched for a diagram for connection of the equipment in this case, but have not found it.

On the other hand, thi installation was originally designed to work with an SPA400 but had too many problems with the PSTN line freezing the system and the local distributor told me to switch to the SPA3102 to avoid problems.  And now I have several issues that I cannot resolve and that would be transparent if I used an SPA400.  Any thoughts?  Maybe the use of the correct ports is the answer.


Luis F. Garrido

Hi Luis;

Please see the answers inline.

LufiGarrido wrote:


Thanks for the new tips.  I still have a couple of questions:

  1. OK.  Still working fine.  Do you have a suggestion of another web site, different than the default, that may supply time to South America?
[Alberto] Unfortunately It does not work that way. NTP servers offer a unique time reference (I believe to GMT), then the time zone parameter adjust from central time to each specific region.
  1. I have done as you suggest.  When picking-up ringing extension the system goes to a second stage, requesting to choose a line on the extension.  That is when it returns a busy tone.
[Alberto] Ummm, what * code are you using?
  1. Any ideas on relaying the outside caller id to the phone?
[Alberto] Send me the html (full html page in admin voice advanced mode) of SPA3102 and SPA9000. This should be possible..
  1. OK, understood
  2. OK, it works.
  3. OK, it works

I have also made the change on the date format.

Additionally, please confirm that the connection of the equipment to the network is correct.  I have done so according to indications obtained locally, but that could be part of the problem.

The acting router is the WRT310N connected to a ADSL modem.  The WRT310N is also the DHCP server.  Two SLM224P switches are daisy chained to the WRT310N and the SPA9000 and SPA3102 are connected to the network from the Internet port to two ports on one of the SLM224Ps.  I have searched for a diagram for connection of the equipment in this case, but have not found it.

On the other hand, thi installation was originally designed to work with an SPA400 but had too many problems with the PSTN line freezing the system and the local distributor told me to switch to the SPA3102 to avoid problems.  And now I have several issues that I cannot resolve and that would be transparent if I used an SPA400.  Any thoughts?  Maybe the use of the correct ports is the answer.

[Alberto] Ports looks like are ok. Not sure what you have the switches daisy chained, but if no VLANs you should be ok.


Luis F. Garrido


Comments inline.

LufiGarrido wrote:


Thanks for the new tips.  I still have a couple of questions:

1.     OK.  Still working fine.  Do you have a suggestion of another web site, different than the default, that may supply time to South America?

[Alberto] Unfortunately It does not work that way. NTP servers offer a unique time reference (I believe to GMT), then the time zone parameter adjust from central time to each specific region.

[Luis]  OK, will try again and see what happens.  For some reason it kept changing the time even if I had explicitly removed the daylight saving time instruction and rule.

2.     I have done as you suggest.  When picking-up ringing extension the system goes to a second stage, requesting to choose a line on the extension.  That is when it returns a busy tone.

[Alberto] Ummm, what * code are you using?

[Luis]  I am not using any * code, I just use the softkeys.

3.     Any ideas on relaying the outside caller id to the phone?

[Alberto] Send me the html (full html page in admin voice advanced mode) of SPA3102 and SPA9000. This should be possible.

[Luis}  Attached is the pertinent configuration of the SPA9000 and SPA3102 and some of the IP Phones.  A couple of the changes may not be reflected because I did not save them, but your suggestions where incorporated.

Additionally, please confirm that the connection of the equipment to the network is correct.  I have done so according to indications obtained locally, but that could be part of the problem.

The acting router is the WRT310N connected to a ADSL modem.  The WRT310N is also the DHCP server.  Two SLM224P switches are daisy chained to the WRT310N and the SPA9000 and SPA3102 are connected to the network from the Internet port to two ports on one of the SLM224Ps.  I have searched for a diagram for connection of the equipment in this case, but have not found it.

On the other hand, the installation was originally designed to work with an SPA400 but had too many problems with the PSTN line freezing the system and the local distributor told me to switch to the SPA3102 to avoid problems.  And now I have several issues that I cannot resolve and that would be transparent if I used an SPA400.  Any thoughts?  Maybe the use of the correct ports is the answer.

[Alberto] Ports looks like are ok. Not sure what you have the switches daisy chained, but if no VLANs you should be ok.

[Luis]  The two SLM224Ps are daisy-chained (interconnected through the giga-bit ports) so as to distribute ports throughout four floors.  No VLAN.


Luis F. Garrido


Below is a summary of the configuration changes to the SPA9000 and SPA3102 made to work together.  You will also find some changes I made to the SPA9000 Dial Plan that did not work and a proposed configuration.

1.    Current configuration of SPA9000 and SPA3102.
No Caller ID on terminals; digits do not show on screen of terminal after dialing “8” or “150”):

a.    SPA9000

                        i.      Voice tab > SIP
PBX Phone Parameters section, Dial Plan: 
(<*97:vmm> | <8:150>P | [],[3469]11S0 | [], [2-9]xxxxxx | [], [2-9]xxxxxxxxxS0 | [], 1[2-9]xxxxxxxxxS0 | [], 011xx. | xxx. | [23456789])

b.    SPA3102

                        i.      Voice tab > PSTN Line
Line Enable: 

                      ii.      Voice tab > PSTN Line
Proxy and Registration section, Proxy: [SPA9000 address]

                     iii.      Voice tab > PSTN Line
Subscriber Information section, Display Name: 

                    iv.      Voice tab > PSTN Line
Subscriber Information section, User ID: 

                      v.      Voice tab > PSTN Line
Dial Plans section, Dial Plan 2: 

                    vi.      Voice tab > PSTN Line
PSTN-To-VoIP Gateway Setup section, PSTN Ring Thru Line 1: 

                   vii.      Voice tab > PSTN Line
PSTN-To-VoIP Gateway Setup section, PSTN CID For VoIP CID: 

                 viii.      Voice tab > PSTN Line
PSTN-To-VoIP Gateway Setup section, PSTN Caller Default DP: 

                    ix.      Voice tab > PSTN Line
FXO Timer Values (sec) section, PSTN Answer Delay: 

                      x.      Voice tab > PSTN Line
FXO Timer Values (sec) section, PSTN Ring Thru CWT Delay: 

c.    SPA9000

                        i.      Voice tab > Line 1
Line Enable: 

                      ii.      Voice tab > Line 1
Subscriber Information section, User ID: 

2.       These are the SPA9000 Dial Plan variations I have tried, but do not work.  I have incorporated changes pertinent to Perú:

a.       SPA9000

                        i.      Voice tab > SIP
PBX Phone Parameters section, Dial Plan: 
(1 [0-1]xx | <8:150>P, 1xxS0|<8:150>P, [2-8]xxxxxxS0|<8:150>P, 9xxxxxxxxS0|<8:150>P, 0[4-8]x[2-8]xxxxxS0|<8:150>P, 0[4-8]x9xxxxxxxxS0|<8:150>P, 00xxxxxxx.| <8:150>P, 0800xxxxxS0|*x.)

                      ii.      Voice tab > SIP
PBX Phone Parameters section, Dial Plan: 
(1 [0-1]xx | <8:150>, 1xxS0|<8:150>, [2-8]xxxxxxS0|<8:150>, 9xxxxxxxxS0|<8:150>, 0[4-8]x[2-8]xxxxxS0|<8:150>, 0[4-8]x9xxxxxxxxS0|<8:150>, 00xxxxxxx.| <8:150>, 0800xxxxxS0|*x.)

                     iii.      Voice tab > SIP
PBX Phone Parameters section, Dial Plan: 
(1 [0-1]xx | <8:150>P 1xxS0|<8:150>P [2-8]xxxxxxS0|<8:150>P 9xxxxxxxxS0|<8:150>P 0[4-8]x[2-8]xxxxxS0|<8:150>P 0[4-8]x9xxxxxxxxS0|<8:150>P 00xxxxxxx.| <8:150>P 0800xxxxxS0|*x.)

b.      SPA3102

Same as above

c.       SPA9000

Same as above

3.   Will this configuration work, dialing “9” to access the PSTN line on the SPA3102?

a.     SPA9000

                        i.      Voice tab > SIP
PBX Parameters section, Call Routing Rule: 

                      ii.      Voice tab > SIP
PBX Phone Parameters section, Dial Plan: 
(1 [0-1] x | 9, 1xxS0| 9, [2-8]xxxxxxS0| 9, 9xxxxxxxxS0| 9, 0[4-8]x[2-8]xxxxxS0| 9, 0[4-8]x9xxxxxxxxS0| 9, 00xxxxxxx.| 9, 0800xxxxxS0|*x. | 9,xx.)

                     iii.      Voice tab > Line 1
Dial Plan section, Dial Plan:  (<9:>xx.)

b.    SPA3102

                        i.      Voice tab > PSTN Line
Line Enable: 

                      ii.      Voice tab > PSTN Line
Proxy and Registration section, Proxy: [SPA9000 address]

                     iii.      Voice tab > PSTN Line
Subscriber Information section, Display Name: 

                    iv.      Voice tab > PSTN Line
Subscriber Information section, User ID: 

                      v.      Voice tab > PSTN Line
Dial Plans section, Dial Plan 2: 

                    vi.      Voice tab > PSTN Line
PSTN-To-VoIP Gateway Setup section, PSTN Ring Thru Line 1: 

                   vii.      Voice tab > PSTN Line
PSTN-To-VoIP Gateway Setup section, PSTN CID For VoIP CID: 

                 viii.      Voice tab > PSTN Line
PSTN-To-VoIP Gateway Setup section, PSTN Caller Default DP: 

                    ix.      Voice tab > PSTN Line
FXO Timer Values (sec) section, PSTN Answer Delay: 

                      x.      Voice tab > PSTN Line
FXO Timer Values (sec) section, PSTN Ring Thru CWT Delay: 

c.     SPA9000

                        i.      Voice tab > Line 1
Line Enable: 

                      ii.      Voice tab > Line 1
Subscriber Information section, User ID: 

Many thanks

Luis F. Garrido

Hi Luis; need to configure SPA3102 on a SIP trunk of the SPA9000 not as a client, i.e. port to use is 5060, and configure [Line 1] to talk to the SPA3102 (make and answer call without registration to yes).

Please change this and retry.



It seems we are getting closer to solving my issues.  Would you be so kind as to send me a step-by-step configuration of what you suggest and confirm what lines of my configuration I should keep or change?  I have searched the manuals to see how to implement your suggestions but have only found SIP trunking for DID for the SPA9000.

Many thanks,
