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Can't access prime ncs via web interface

isaac modikwe
Level 1
Level 1


I am have an issue where I cant access my Cisco Prime NCS 1.2 via web browser, I think the port is not open (80, 443).

Please note that this is the physical Server from Cisco not and installed version.


Isaac Modikwe

30 Replies 30

Could you please explain more detail how to change the file with correct ip?



Please do the following:

1. Go to root shell by typing root and enter the password

2. Go to the home directory by typing /opt then hit enter

3. Enter cd CSCOlumos

4. Enter cd conf

5. enter ls to list the files

6. You will see To view this file, enter cat

7. Check the IP address that shows to make it isn't different from the IP address that you had configured

8. If different, edit the file by typing vi and hit enter

9. press i to allow you to insert. Move the cursor to the line that you want to change and type in the correct IP address

10. Press ESC, the escape key to leave the VI editor.

11. Press the colon (:) key then type wq. That is ":wq". This will save the file and exit

12. type cat to view the file and verify the changes were effected.

If this solves your problem, mark question as answered so that others can learn. 


Thank you so much.

My issue was solved by OS reinstallation.

Yesterday I visited this file but I don't know how to change it.

This process worked for me today.  My appliance had a ip address in that file which was not what I had configured during setup.  Thanks! //art

Thanks Osita,

Ran into this exact problem today. I was unaware of this as the last couple of prime installs have been VMs rather than appliance. Gave me a chance to see what I could remember about VI editing LOL. Thanks for your solution this solved the problem for once this is a poor show by Cisco not often I ahve to say that but really they should be making this info more widely available about this issue.

Many Thanks


Glad your problem is sorted.


Have the exact same problem, when i run: "ncs start verbose" i get the following error as well: "Failed to create Application context"

The bug to change IP in did not work. Any more ideas, not very interested in reinstall the whole thing.

Cisco Prime Infrastructure
Version :


Have you tried installing all patches up to the latest. Patches can be installed via CLI using the patch install command.



I had the same issue with a new appliance yesterday in that the services wouldn't start properly. I re-imaged the appliance using the 1.3 recovery DVD and this fixed the problem. Now though I don't seem to be able to tftp or ftp anything on to the appliance. I have checked repository is good, personal firewall is off and tried different servers but still no joy so far. The server sees the GET request but no transfer takes place. I have tried both a patch install and a code upgrade (to 2.0) but both failed.

Any ideas gratefully accepted.




Could you run a wireshark trace on the tftp or ftp server and see if the file is pushed to Prime. The server may receive the Get request but what happens after that? Also is it a Windows OS running on the tftp or ftp server? You may need to allow the application through the Windows firewall and also set an outbound rule for the TFTP/FTP application.

Yes I'll run wireshark when I'm back on site. It's just that I've never had this issue before except for when I've forgotten to turn off my personal firewall. I have patched or upgraded dozens of appliances and VMs without issue until now.

Thanks for the response.

helo, Scott!

after ncs run db reinitdb is issued and the ncs is restarted with 0 database, can i proceed with restore using the *.gpg file from the backup repository?




Once you are able to access NCS again, then yes, you can perform a restore as long as it's the same version your restoring it from or a version that is supported from a restore. That should work. I typically again stay away from a restore unless O have to.  Exporting the maps is easy to do and that is really all I would restore. I would build NCS/PI from scratch. PI 2.2 is a good version to go to also. 


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hello, Scott!


i did the following.....


Cisco-NCS-Pri/admin# ncs db reinit
-All data will be lost. Do you wish to continue? (y/n)
-Creating a new, empty database. This may take 10 to 20 minutes
-Database re-initialization completed



Cisco-NCS-Pri/admin# ncs start

Starting Network Control System...

This may take a few minutes...
Dependency process Database is not yet up... retry: 10
Dependency process Database is not yet up... retry: 9
Dependency process Database is not yet up... retry: 8
Dependency process Database is not yet up... retry: 7
Dependency process Database is not yet up... retry: 6
Dependency process Database is not yet up... retry: 5
Dependency process Database is not yet up... retry: 4
Dependency process Database is not yet up... retry: 3
Dependency process Database is not yet up... retry: 2
Dependency process Database is not yet up... retry: 1

Failure during Network Control System startup.  Check launchout.log for details.


Level 4
Level 4

No problem. At least your problem is solved

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