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BNG + PWHE Untagged

Level 1
Level 1

Hi all

I have trunks connected to wholesale providers, providing xDSL/FTTH etc and the users are delivered to us via L2 trunks tagged.

I have still 7600 SUP720's terminating those connections and bit stuck using that platform (remote locations)

So I plan to xconnect it to the ASR9k running BNG   - tested with 5.3.3 and 6.1.2

the AC is like this

interface GigabitEthernet2/15.2000

description *** Incoming IPoE sessions ***
encapsulation dot1Q 2000
xconnect 666 pw-class EoMPLS
mtu 1510

where is the BNG

here is the PEWE config

interface PW-Ether666
mtu 1524
mac-address 1212.9000.8666
attach generic-interface-list GI-Te0-1
l2overhead 20

interface PW-Ether666.1
ipv4 address
service-policy type control subscriber PM_BNG
pppoe enable bba-group default
load-interval 30
ipsubscriber ipv4 l2-connected
initiator dhcp
initiator unclassified-source
encapsulation ambiguous dot1q any


pw-class BRAS-XConnect
encapsulation mpls
protocol ldp
transport-mode ethernet

 xconnect group BNG

p2p TestLab-7600-test
interface PW-Ether666
neighbor ipv4 pw-id 666
pw-class BNG-XConnect

This is not working - the sub interface is not picking up the the traffic (all counters 0) 

Is this possible or just not supported ?

(you can't configure BNG on the main interface) - works perfectly on a loop into a BE interface

- Benni

32 Replies 32

Running 6.1.3 and it's great. No issues so far.

We are wating for eXR 6.2.1 which should have been released two days ago. I want to test some new features on this release. We have the EFT but it's more safe to use the official one :).

Regarding PWHE on TR. I don't want to run it on BNG, but on an ASR9912 running as IGW. There are a few customers that need full BGP routing table from us and we want to terminate the L3 link on the IGW.

Hi Xander,

do you have any news regarding CSCvd22621 - allow subscribers on PWHE/(Ten)Gig main interfaces?

When (what release) can we expect to have it supported?

targeting for 632 or 641 seems most applicable.

631 is in final stages, but will try tosee if we can make that happen also.


It would be terrific if we could get this feature in 6.3.x.

Please keep us posted and thank you for replying Xander.

Hi Xander,


is there any progress regarding CSCvd22621 - allow subscribers on PWHE/(Ten)Gig main interfaces?


Our customer is asking for this feature so that they can start using PWHE on their BNG's.

hi Smail,


subscriber on main PWHE / TenGig interface is still on track for 6.3.2 release.



So March 2018, right?

Hi Xander,


I've tried your sample config but using IPoE dhcp ipv4.

BNG received dhcp discover from subscriber then sending dhcp offer_sent, but the subscriber not received that.


RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:BNG1-ASR9K#show running-config interface pw-ether 111.111

interface PW-Ether111.111
vrf test
ipv4 unnumbered Loopback111
ipv4 verify unicast source reachable-via rx
arp learning disable
service-policy type control subscriber IPOE_PWHE
load-interval 30
encapsulation dot1q 111
ipsubscriber ipv4 l2-connected
initiator dhcp

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:BNG1-ASR9K#show dhcp ipv4 server binding interface pw-Ether 111.111
Thu Dec 28 09:37:36.735 WIB

MAC Address IP Address State Remaining Interface VRF Sublabel
-------------- -------------- --------- --------- ------------------- --------- ----------
f0de.f161.2bbd OFFER_SENT 48 PW-Ether111.111 test 0xecf09

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:BNG1-ASR9K#show interfaces pw-ether 111 | be drop
Thu Dec 28 09:37:39.013 WIB
222 packets input, 23062 bytes, 0 total input drops
0 drops for unrecognized upper-level protocol
Received 0 broadcast packets, 0 multicast packets
7 packets output, 2674 bytes, 0 total output drops
Output 7 broadcast packets, 0 multicast packets

RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:BNG1-ASR9K#show interfaces pw-ether 111.111 | be drop
Thu Dec 28 09:37:41.638 WIB
233 packets input, 24118 bytes, 221 total input drops
0 drops for unrecognized upper-level protocol
Received 233 broadcast packets, 0 multicast packets
0 packets output, 0 bytes, 0 total output drops
Output 0 broadcast packets, 0 multicast packets


Is BNG PWHE support IPoE ipv4 on IOS-XR 5.3.4?


Thank you



IPoE subscribers should work on PW-Ether subscriber access sub-interface. Are you sure the generic interface list is correct? It should comprise all interfaces that may be selected as output towards the subscriber.

Hi All,


I am sure the generic-interface-list is correct. I am using IOS XR 5.3.4 + SP2.

I opened case to Cisco TAC and he found a bug :

    CSCuy41505    Adjacency Information base ( AIB) is not registering to per interface context ( PIC ) update


The bug describes a situation where in some cases, the ASR9k does not know where to send packets due to a problem with CEF entries for PW-HE deployements.


This fix is needed as a MUST for PW_HE deployments in IOS XR 5.3.4. Second option is to install SP4 or later which include this SMU.


I am doing install SP5 and the BNG can bring up the session.



Thank you.



hi benedikt,

I did some extra checking. since we can only do type5 PW for PWHE and BNG, it means that it expects a C-tag.

the main interface, untagged, can't therefore accept a control policy (blocked in cli), an l2transport untagged efp will not appreciate a control policy because it is l3 config (that is not allowed on EFP's).

I am trying to find out if there is another work around than this:

make an untagged EFP on the PWHE:

    interface PW-Ether60.1 l2transport

    encapsulation untagged

put that EFP in an xconnect with a local interface:


xconnect group hey

  p2p there

   interface PW-Ether60.1

   interface TenGigE0/2/0/22.1 << also an untagged EFP


define the EFP for the local interface. either we add a vlan and pop the tag or we can use untagged here for the efp also.

    int te 0/2/0/22.1 l2trans

    encap dot1q 10

    rewrite ingress tag pop 1 sym

connect the port 22 in this example to another interface on the same linecard or somewhere on the card, say port 23.

then on port 23's subinterface (if using vlan imposition) or the main interface (if remain untagged) we'll apply the subscriber config:

int te 0/2/0/23.1

encap dot1q 10

ipv4 point

ipv4 unn loop <>

service-policy type control subscriber BLABLA

bba-group etc.

Can you let us know what linecards on the 7600 you have to see if we can do tag imposition there via a direct imposition or a tag dot1q native (so untagged packet are getting the native vlan tag). 

Separately I will see if we can open up the untagged pw-ether interface for bng.



Thanks ! 

on the 7600 we use various cards, mostly WS-X6704-10GE , WS-X6724-SFP

- Benni

BNG aside, PWHE didn't work for untagged.  This was added with CSCuy79552 - Feature enhancement for untagged traffic L2 PWHE.  It's integrated in 611, 602 and 534.  

yeah that's right, they are on 612 so should be cool for that func, it is merely that bng requires type5 => c-tag has to be present.

so I'm just falling between versions, using 6.1.2 for testing, and 5.3.3 for prod ;)