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Heat CFN in OpenStack

Heat CloudFormation (CFN) orchestration in OpenStack provides the ability to use AWS-style:APIstemplatesexpressions within regular HOT templatesThis means that operators coming from an AWS cloud envir...


QoS in OpenStack

Quality of Service (QoS) is defined as the ability to meet resource requirements in order to satisfy Service Level Agreements (SLA) between application/platform provider and end users.  In a cloud env...


Trying OpenStack Using Kolla

At Cisco we have used OpenStack heavily internally as well as supported use of it in partnership with our customers for several years now. One lesson we've learned from our operational experience with...


Setting up a local Docker development environment

We make heavy use of Docker internally for its fantastic tooling to help streamline and focus our processes that depend on containers. Recently we found the need to begin hacking on the Docker source ...


Adding a Simple Command to Docker

Docker is a wonderful open source container system, and has good documentation for getting a development environment set up. Recently I needed to add a new command to Docker, and I found the next step...


Un-virtualizing the soft cloud - software vs hardware

An OpenStack cloud has a lot of virtual features. Almost every piece of hardware has been virtualized and this makes me think that a cloud is a very "soft" system.Hubs, switches, routers, interfaces/p...


Bare Metal Provisioning in OpenStack using UCS Manager

Ironic is an OpenStack project which provisions physical hardware as opposed to virtual machines. Making physical hardware provisioning in the cloud as easy as provisioning virtual machines opens up t...


OpenStack Summit Tokyo Insights

As a kid, I never missed a chance to watch a Japanese monster movie featuring Godzilla paying Tokyo a visit. Godzilla was a no show at last month’s OpenStack Summit in Tokyo, but a new giant did emerg...


OpenStack launches Liberty

The OpenStack community just announced the availability of its twelfth release, code named Liberty. It has been a quick six months since the Liberty OpenStack Design Summit in Vancouver but with each ...


Cisco DevNet coming to Tokyo for OpenStack Summit

Hope you have your flights and hotel booked and registration set for the OpenStack Summit, Tokyo. As always, there is a great lineup of sessions vying for your time and attention. As you plan out your...


OpenStack Upstream Training at Cisco Live!

Cisco Live! San Diego has already started and on 06/06 (Saturday) the OpenStack@Cisco team in collaboration with the DevNet team delivered the OpenStack Upstream Training in the DevNet zone. If you ar...


OpenStack Neutron IPv6 Technical Brief

OpenStack Neutron has made and continues to make a lot of progress to enable IPv6 tenant networks. From supporting various IPv6 addressing schemes for tenant networks to enabling features that support...


Launching DevNet Micro-site for OpenStack

The OpenStack team at Cisco under the leadership of Cisco's VP and CTO of Cloud Computing, Lew Tucker, was one of the first contributors to the OpenStack project when it all started in 2010. The effor...

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