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Finesse Custom Gadget | Popup webpage for Inbound and Outbound calls

Level 1
Level 1


Can you pleas support me here,

I need to create a finesse custom gadget that load a url (webpage) inserting the customer number.

I have sample screenpop gadget code from devnet portal, however it is about inbound calls where callvariable value is used to insert the customer number.

In my requirement scenario, we need to pop the url for outbound calls as well (dialer outbound - agent campaign) and if possible for manual outbound too.

Can you please suggest



13 Replies 13

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


You should be able to modify the handleNewDialog method to pop the url for outbound calls. The handleNewDialog gets called every time there is a new call, whether that is inbound or outbound. You can probably filter on the callType.



Hi Denise,

Thanks for the reply,

How do I get the contact number for outbound call, which I need to insert in the loaded url

Is there a reason why you don't use the builtin workflow in Finesse for this (if you only have to insert the customer number)

Make 2 workflows - 1 for inbound and 1 for outbound

On inbound the customer number is the FromAdresse and on outbound it is the DNIS

Please rate helpful posts and if applicable mark "Accept as a Solution".
Thanks, Thomas G. J.

Hi Thomas,

Workflow to open a new browser tab?  

Customer requirement is to load the webpage within finesse iframe as a gadget. 

I'm a little rusty. I totally forgot that you can use the built in workflow to do this! Thanks for the reminder.

@Sinu , take a look at the documentation here:

make sense

For getting the customer Number on a outbound call you have to look at the dialog

Dialog - Finesse - Cisco DevNet

Dialog API Parameters - Finesse - Cisco DevNet

So if you calltype is ACD_IN the customer number is the fromAdresse, and if the callType is an oputbound calltype the customerNumber is toAdresse

function handleNewDialog(dialog) {
		const callVars = dialog.getMediaProperties();
		var calltype = callVars.callType();
		var fromAdresse = dialog.fromAddress();
		var toAdresse = dialog.toAddress();
		var customerPhone = "";
		if (calltype === "ACD_IN") {
			customerPhone = fromAddress
		} else if (calltype === "OUTBOUND") {
			customerPhone = toAddress

use this code as inspiration (just made for inspiration - not tested)



Please rate helpful posts and if applicable mark "Accept as a Solution".
Thanks, Thomas G. J.

and remember this in your userload :

function handleUserLoad(userevent) {
		clientLogs.log("(UserLoad) In");

		dialogs = user.getDialogs({
			onCollectionAdd: handleNewDialog,
		clientLogs.log("(UserLoad) Out");

and this in you init :

		user = new finesse.restservices.User({
			onLoad: handleUserLoad,


Please rate helpful posts and if applicable mark "Accept as a Solution".
Thanks, Thomas G. J.

Full example with the screenPop sample gadget :


var finesse = finesse || {};
finesse.gadget = finesse.gadget || {};
finesse.container = finesse.container || {};
clientLogs = finesse.cslogger.ClientLogger || {};  // for logging

/** @namespace */
finesse.modules = finesse.modules || {};
finesse.modules.SampleGadget = (function ($) {
    var numDialogs = 0;      // used to count the calls (dialogs)
    var callvars = new Array();  // the callvars array of callvariables     
    var user, states, dialogs, clientLogs, customerPhone, calltype, fromAdresse, toAdresse,
     * Populates the fields in the gadget with data
    render = function () {
        var currentState = user.getState();
        // html is initially a div tag
        var html = '<div>';
        // for debugging you could print out the agent state and the number of calls (Dialogs)
        //html += '<div id="agentstate"> The current state is: ' + user.getState() + '</div>';
        //html += '<div id="dialogcount"> The number of dialogs is: ' + numDialogs + '</div>';
        if (numDialogs==1) {
            // if we were triggered by a new call (numDialogs==1) then set the html to the url we want to pop in the iframe
            // build the url by adding the callvariable 1 into the search parameter
            html += '<iframe src="https://youUrl?customerPhone=' + customerPhone +  '" width="100%" height="650"> </iframe>';
            // comment out the above line and uncomment the line below to change the search engine to bing
            // Note: google search won't allow an iframe, yahoo search has errors too
            //html += '<iframe src="' + callvars["callVariable1"] +  '" width="100%" height="650"> </iframe>';
            // add the closing </div> html element
            html += '</div>';
            clientLogs.log("render(): HTML is: " + html);  // for debugging
            //set the html document's agentout element (see the html after the /script tag) to the html we want to render
            // automatically adjust the height of the gadget to show the html
        } else {
            // we don't have a call yet
            html += 'Screen Pop Goes here';
            html += '</div>';
            //set the html document's agentout element to the html we want to render
            // automatically adjust the height of the gadget to show the html
    _processCall = function (dialog) {
        // if here then callvar1 didnt show up on initial dialog
        // get the latest callvariables
        callvars = dialog.getMediaProperties();
        clientLogs.log("_processCall(): callVariable1=" + callvars["callVariable1"]);
     *  Handler for additions to the Dialogs collection object.  This will occur when a new
     *  Dialog is created on the Finesse server for this user.
    handleNewDialog = function(dialog) {
        // increment the number of dialogs
        // get the call variable data from the dialog
        // dialog.getMediaProperties() returns an array of properties
        callvars = dialog.getMediaProperties();

        calltype = callVars.callType();
        fromAdresse = dialog.getFromAddress();
        toAdresse = dialog.getToAddress();
        customerPhone = "";

        if (calltype === "ACD_IN") {
            customerPhone = fromAddress
        } else if (calltype === "OUTBOUND") {
            customerPhone = toAddress
        clientLogs.log("handleNewDialog(): callVariable1="+callvars["callVariable1"]);

        // if callVariable1 is null then add a handler for subsequent dialog events
        // where the call data will have been updated
        if (callvars["callVariable1"] == null) {
            dialog.addHandler('change', _processCall);
        } else {
            // render the html in the gadget
            clientLogs.log("handleNewDialog(): rendering dialog");
     *  Handler for deletions from the Dialogs collection object for this user.  This will occur
     *  when a Dialog is removed from this user's collection (example, end call)
    handleEndDialog = function(dialog) {
        // decrement the number of dialogs

        // render the html in the gadget
     * Handler for the onLoad of a User object.  This occurs when the User object is initially read
     * from the Finesse server.  Any once only initialization should be done within this function.
    handleUserLoad = function (userevent) {
        // Get an instance of the dialogs collection and register handlers for dialog additions and
        // removals
        dialogs = user.getDialogs({
            onCollectionAdd : handleNewDialog,
            onCollectionDelete : handleEndDialog
     *  Handler for all User updates
    handleUserChange = function(userevent) { };
    /** @scope finesse.modules.SampleGadget */
    return {
         * Performs all initialization for this gadget
        init : function () {
            var cfg = finesse.gadget.Config;

            clientLogs = finesse.cslogger.ClientLogger;   // declare clientLogs

            // Initiate the ClientServices and the logger and then load the user object.  ClientServices are
            // initialized with a reference to the current configuration.
            finesse.clientservices.ClientServices.init(cfg, false);

            // Initiate the ClientLogs. The gadget id will be logged as a part of the message
            clientLogs.init(gadgets.Hub, "ScreenPop", finesse.gadget.Config);

            user = new finesse.restservices.User({
                onLoad : handleUserLoad,
                onChange : handleUserChange
            states = finesse.restservices.User.States;

            // Initiate the ContainerServices and add a handler for when the tab is visible
            // to adjust the height of this gadget in case the tab was not visible
            // when the html was rendered (adjustHeight only works when tab is visible)
            containerServices = finesse.containerservices.ContainerServices.init();
            containerServices.addHandler(finesse.containerservices.ContainerServices.Topics.ACTIVE_TAB, function() {
                clientLogs.log("Gadget is now visible");  // log to Finesse logger
                // automatically adjust the height of the gadget to show the html


Please rate helpful posts and if applicable mark "Accept as a Solution".
Thanks, Thomas G. J.

Thanks So much Thomas!!!

I will try this and share with you the feedback

Level 1
Level 1


Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


For a single call, there can be more than one event. It is possible that the toAddress has not been populated yet. You need to throw away the events that are null and wait for it to be populated. I suggest watching the events coming in to verify this is the case.




Level 1
Level 1

I understand you're looking to create a Finesse custom gadget that loads a URL with the customer's number, not just for inbound calls but also for outbound scenarios, including dialer outbound and manual outbound calls.

As a Cisco Solution Plus vendor, 2Ring offers a range of Finesse gadgets designed to be highly customizable to meet various requirements, including the use case you described. We provide solutions that can dynamically generate URLs using call data, such as the customer number, for both inbound and outbound calls.

For your specific scenario, we can offer a solution that supports:

  • Screen pop-ups for both dialer outbound and manual outbound calls: This involves capturing the necessary call variables or customer information during outbound campaigns and using them to generate the appropriate URL.
  • Customization to match your specific needs: Whether you require additional functionality or specific integrations, our team can help tailor the solution.

If you would like more information on how our Finesse gadgets can address your needs or discuss your requirements in more detail, please feel free to reach out to me directly. I'd be happy to assist you further.

2Ring is on CCW / Cisco’s Price List (Solutions Plus) so all of our products can be purchased directly through Cisco via CCW-Solutions Plus under 2RING-APPS.

Looking forward to hearing from you!
