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How to customize hold music time in our ICM scripts

Level 3
Level 3

I have a hold music .WAV file which is 3 min length . But I would like to announce to customers who are on hold a " generic hold announcement " for everyone 1 min . So how to slice it down from the script .

any help would be greatly appreciated .

8 Replies 8

There are many ways you can do this, but you'll likely edit up the audio file so that it plays (for instance) one minute snippets at a time, and then you do your menu with the generic message in between. You can do this in one Studio app, you can do this in multiple studio apps (one for music and one for the custom message), you can do this via a Microapp, it all depends on how you're set up. The biggest thing to keep in mind is how you will handle (if applicable) various languages and something that can scale as you add more call flows.

Like bill said, slicing this up will give you the granularity you seek. One thing to remember that you can name your files as MOQ_1.wav, MOQ_2.wav..., then use a formula to loop through the various music slices. This reduces your scripting.



Level 3
Level 3

thank you very much ... I heard about Call Studio , but not sure how to get it on my admin WS. We are using PCCE I still need to have Call studio ?

If you're not familiar with Call Studio I would keep working with microapps until you've mastered those. The installer for Call Studio is part of the CVP installation media.


Going to reiterate what Bill and David have said here. 

Stick to microapps for now. 

You can take your hold music and splice it up using software. Most people use Audacity but there are a ton of tools that can edit wav files. Make sure you save it as CCIT U-Law/8 bit/*kHz. 

When splitting up the file to drop audio in LISTEN to the audio. The contact engineer in me dies inside a little every time I call into a place that I can tell chopped up their hold music in timed blocks. "At 45 seconds split the file and play 'All agents are still assisting other callers, please continue to hold". When you split it at exactly 45 seconds you are not likely to be in a good pause point in the audio so it sounds harsh and interrupting, as if an agent is picking up. Instead listen to the audio around the interrupt point and look at the wave, find a natural point where the volume falls to snip the audio. 

I'd also add, that as a caller, IMHO I'd much rather just listen to
music, and NOT continually hear that all agents are still assisting
other callers every 45 seconds. Of course the agents are still busy,
otherwise they'd answer my call.  Just stick with music.

This 100%. Although I did build a proof of concept that allowed people to select their hold music genre!

I believe Symantec, way back in the day, had an actual DJ system while in queue. Someone who actually monitored different queues and came on the line to give you some information and then play various music for people waiting. I never saw it myself, but they mentioned it when I helped with their migration to CCE.
