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How to get the contents of a "Script filter" becomes uppercase or lowercase

Level 1
Level 1

I'm creating a new campaign using a "twitter search" and also a "facebook fanpage". I'm going apply the same filters for both accounts.

The problem that I have is that the filters are case-sensitive. Then, if any account receives, for example: “Failure”, and my filter is looking for “failure” and then add the tag, the tag is not done, because the contact's word is not equal to my filter criteria.

Then, I’m trying to make the message becomes uppercase or lowercase (it doesn’t matter which one) in way to avoid this problem, even if the contact could make a finger mistake with uppercases or lowercases.

Does anybody knows how to do this?

Example before conversion:


    socialContact.tags += "Support Team";}

1 Reply 1

Geevarghese Cheria
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Hi Josue,


I think you can achieve this by using Groovy scripts - changing to upper case or lower case.

A new filter type—Script Filter—allows you to upload customer-developed Groovy scripts that modify or take an action on social contacts as they enter the system. A Script filter can integrate with external systems to leverage services such as performing translation or invoking a Klout score.

Cisco Support and the SocialMiner Forum on the Cisco Developer Network do not assist with Groovy script issues. Direct all troubleshooting requests to your script developer.

You can create script filters to change or add to the content of social contacts and to call external web services.

For example, you can create a script to translate text to another language, to analyze sentiment (opendover),

or to recognize trends (Google Prediction).


Request to refer Script Filter for Social Contact Modification (page 94)  of  the following url -


Thanks and Regards,
