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PCCE 12.5 agent update failure

I had a failure in my agent update python script. Here is the XML I got back.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?><apiErrors><ap
iError><errorMessage>400 Bad Request - javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException: unexpe
cted element (uri:&quot;&quot;, local:&quot;agent&quot;). Expected elements are

I think what is really going on here is I exceeded the number of skills assigned to the agent because my code worked for 30 of the 32 agents I was processing. I didn't need to change the department on the user, and I don't think there was a department assigned. I googled around for the limit of skills for an agent, but I couldn't find it. This user already had a bunch of skill and I was using the 'skillGroupsAdded' block in the XML update.

19 Replies 19

Yes, it works if I do it through the SPOG. That makes it even more maddening since whatever this restriction is that I am hitting, it only seems to apply to updates made via the API.

Yes that is very annoying that you can do it via SPOG, but not API. I would say a bug for sure, not sure if you can open a TAC case and just send them this link to speed up the process. Sorry I couldn't help you solve it.


Thanks for your efforts @david.macias . I certainly appreciate them!

SPOG uses the API as well?
Have you tried looking at the Browser Network Logs - when using SPOG and seeing if you can spot the difference?



You know, I never checked if SPOG uses the API. I suspect it's using ConAPI though if I had to guess. If someone checks it out please report back.
