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UCCE API (Agent - skillGroupsAdded and skillGroupsRemoved)

Level 4
Level 4

Should this functionality be working for the UCCE API? According to the UCCE API guide this should be available but we are having no luck. We are able to add PQ attributes with no issue. We were under the impression that the v10 API would support reskilling for the UCCE API, not just for PCCE.

10 Replies 10

Level 6
Level 6

What error are you getting when you try to use skillGroupsAdded and skillGroupsRemoved?

The UCCE API documentation can be found here

It shows skillGroupsAdded and skillGroupsRemoved are supported.

No errors received. I uploaded the same guide to this thread but thanks for the link. This is the guide we are working from. Have you done this particular skilling against on a non PCCE deployment type?

Update.... after spending the afternoon converting my UCCE lab deployment type to a PCCE deployment we immediately were able to leverage the reskilling functionality via API. In fact, I think what I have determined with near certainty is that the way to validate what is available to the API based on deployment type is exactly what you see in the CCEADMIN portal. For example, with a non-PCCE deployment type you can see Agent information such as Description but there is no way to update the Description. Once deployment type is changed to PCCE you can actually edit the Description via CCEADMIN portal AND via direct API calls. What this means is that the UCCE API docs are definitely incorrect. Not sure who to go to with this to let them know their API guide is wrong but TAC was not interested since it's considered custom.

Level 1
Level 1

The UCCE API guide is in the process of being updated and will be re-posted in the near future.  We are clarifying what is functions are available under the Agent API. 

On a side note, work is in process that will allow Supervisors to login through the API and CCEADMIN portal to re-attribute and re-skill agents on a team that he / she supervises.  Once this is completed, supervisors will have access to the skillGroupsAdded and skillGroupsRemoved fields for agents on a team that he / she supervises. 

Thanks Scot. When do you anticipate the reskilling capabilities of the API be available to non-PCCE deployment types? The attribute functionality of the API seems to work fine but the reskill capability is what our customers were banking on. Will this be addressed in a service pack or is this further on the roadmap? Thanks for your assistance.

Supervisor reskilling and reattributing functionality via the new Web Admin and underlying REST API is going to be introduced very shortly to UCCE deployments. The timing depends on which release you are working with. It will first come to release UCCE 10.x. It will be built in UCCE 10.5 release planned for June and will be made available on UCCE 10.0 as an ES around the same time. A subset of functionality will be added to UCCE 9.0 release later this summer via an ES on top of UCCE 9.0.4.

Supervisor reskilling and re-attributing has been added to UCCE 10.5(1) and has been enabled via an ES on releases 9.0(4) and 10.0(1).  10.0(1) is ES8 and 9.0(4) is ES 21

Since we don't necessarily have a 'production' UCCE environment and do our development against the NFR kits, how would we go about getting our hands on the 10.0(1) ES8 and 9.0(4) ES21? If I recall, the ES's are only available via a TAC case and 'hidden' download link?

Just to clarify, does this mean the API is now open to UCCE and not only PCCE deployments? i.e. agent reskilling in UCCE?

Hi Everyone,

  I just started working with UCCE Agent API. I actually want to add/rmove agent's skill groups using API. Whenever I try to make any API Call (Even though very basic of getting Agents Info or List etc.) through my Java Client or Poster PlugIn, I get the 401-Unauthorizes and 'Cisco VTG Realm' error. I am trying from long time but I am not getting through.

Can any one please help me on this. Is there any issue with server configurations? Or any guide that may help me to get start properly working with this UCCE Admin API ?

Thanks for you time and considerations.

Best regards,

Bilal Ahmed Yaseen.

Hi Bilal,

I faced the same issue. I used to enter the following syntax : user / password.

It did not work.

I entered my administrator account with following syntax : / password

Since its work fine.

Best regards
