At CX Cloud > My Portfolio, the Customer is able to check a lot of good info related to their Contract:
It would be awesome if there was a Global tab with "Global Parameters", for example:
A Customer with Cisco ISE 2.7 P10 would have the possibility to click on the Global tab and check:
. How many Customer (in percentage) are using ISE 3.3 Patch 2 (the Suggested Release)
. The TOP 3 TAC Cases related do ISE 3.3
. The TOP 1 ISE version used Globally (for example ISE 3.2 Patch 5)
This way the Customer would have the possibility not only to compare "his Parameters" with "Global Parameters" (to better understand "his gaps" in comparison to the rest of the World), but also to better prepare for future upgrades via the TOP 3 TAC Cases related to the Suggested Release.
Any possibility to integrate such feature in roadmap ?