DevNet Sandbox

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DevNet Sandbox Community
Welcome to the DevNet Sandbox community!
Please share and collaborate on any questions, comments, or ideas here.
If you have a technical issue, please click on the "Start a Conversation" button.
Leave details in the post, such as the name of the sandbox and details about the problem. Make sure to add a label with the type of problem you are having (such as Connectivity Issues and VPN, Sandbox Reservation Issues, Sandbox Specific Technical Issues, or Other Sandbox Issues).
If you are new to our development labs, you can develop, code & configure for free with the DevNet Sandboxes today.

Forum Posts

Hello, I'm unable to login to Cisco AnyConnect. The username and password is correct, however the Anyconnect keeping prompting me for password again and again although it's correct.  My devnetsandbox lab is SD-WAN 20.10-20240121T05324569.RegardsMarwa...

I waited 40 minutes to receive this emailThere was an error setting up ACI Simulator 6.0. There are a few possible reasons for the error: No resource available by this moment The sandbox is under maintenance You try to reserve two or more sandboxes s...

franz365 by Level 1
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I reserved a Meraki sandbox, and have logged in, and the network assigned to me has no MX or MS devices, only two MRs.  Also, when typing on this page there is a section called "Labels" on the right. It is always prefilled with the label "DevNet Sand...

njccnp by Level 1
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cisco anyconnect client version 4.9.04043 i installed Core & VPN and Start Before Login Enter My lab's private VPN connection information:Lab Network Address: XXXUsername: XXPassword: XXXXlogin failed. USE ANYCONNECT FOR ANDRIOD    same question log...

Lucis by Level 1
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Hi team,I need your help to get this environment It failed, and now if I want to start a new one it is telling me that I reached the upper limit.Thank you,-Razvan

razpa by Level 1
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Now I am connected and use Putty to log into my app server VM I can login but immediatley get errrors when running any standard Linux  command. ls: /lib64/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.20' not found (required by /opt/appdynamics/ap...

Entwisi by Level 1
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