DevNet Sandbox

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DevNet Sandbox Community
Welcome to the DevNet Sandbox community!
Please share and collaborate on any questions, comments, or ideas here.
If you have a technical issue, please click on the "Start a Conversation" button.
Leave details in the post, such as the name of the sandbox and details about the problem. Make sure to add a label with the type of problem you are having (such as Connectivity Issues and VPN, Sandbox Reservation Issues, Sandbox Specific Technical Issues, or Other Sandbox Issues).
If you are new to our development labs, you can develop, code & configure for free with the DevNet Sandboxes today.

Forum Posts

Hello, I'm trying to schedule a test setup with sandbox environment for Cisco DNA center + ISE. According to the scheduler first available date is 02 Jun. Can you please check and confirm that all bookings are legit? I've been using the sandbox befor...

Dear colleaguesI just want to deploy openbmp project in docker format and test it in CMLis there a way to connect CML routers to my local docker deployment?or even better wayis there a way to run docker openbmp directly inside devbox in sandbox?Getti...

I can't connect through ssh, in-browser it works.Gives time out errorping doesn't work too [edit]I got it, thanks. It was a simple mistake I was making.[/edit] Standalone CSRV1000V Credentials and Information:CSR1000V Host: (After VPN con...

thales.t by Level 1
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I read in the FAQ that we can only reserve one session at a time, but curious if that applies to training events.  I am at a partner company and have an event coming up at the end of the month to train internal users on some automation techniques for...

Hi,   Has the "open NX-OS with Nexus 9Kv"  sandbox been retired ?  I have been trying to find it, to follow along with   the "Ansible Part 2: Using Ansible for Network Configuration"  lab. Thank you. Deri

d_jonez90 by Level 1
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Hi  Send the follow command to NSO  Sandbox cisco--/"{{PROTOCOL}}://{{NSO_IP}}:{{NSO_HTTP_PORT}}/restconf/data/tailf-ncs:devices/device=core-rtr01/config/tailf-ned-cisco-ios-xr:interface"--  and I got the following error     "ietf-restconf:errors": {...

Hi all, The Umbrella Investigate API key generation is not available in the Umbrella dashboard https://umbrella.local.devnetsandbox.local which is provided with the Cisco Umbrella Secured Internet Gateway sandbox.

Hi!Working in the Sandbox IOS XE on CSR Latest Code with ZTP functionality try to test a ZTP script, since the file is root owner and group cannot be changed the root password is not shared, how I can test ZTP script? Kind regards!

Hi, I have a lot end users complaining about the 7 clicks to get to ACD status change also if the status changes due to missed calls there is no direct visual status this has happened resulting in lost calls. Is it possible to subscribe to that event...

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