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2 PRI Lines and 3 series of DID range-Feasibility

Level 1
Level 1


I would like to know the feasibilty of having 2 PRI lines and 3 DID ranges on a single GW. We have CCM v 7 in this scenario.

The clients requirement is that 2 among the 3 ranges will be binded to one  PRI line and the other PRI will be binded with last did range .This two pri lines are divided among 2 firms who use the same infrastructure....

Can any please let me know the possibilities of this......and the best practise...if possible what kind of signaling protocol can be used.....


6 Replies 6

paolo bevilacqua
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

That is perfectly possible.

However, it would be better to ask telco to hunt-group all the DIDs ranges across the two PRIs, so in case one fails, everything still works.

The recommend protocol is always H.323 or SIP, (for those that don't agree, suggest to check back once customer request calling number routing, TCL/script, or run into any other MGCP limitations and bugs).

Sorry Paolo, I don't agree with you.

While SIP or H323 are very powerful and have some capabilities MGCP does not, every installation should always be planned based on what the customer's needs are.  Those needs include the capabilities of the people who will have to manage things.

MGCP is easier to manage, but it does have some limitations.  But every installation should be reviewed on the basis of its requirements before rushing to judgement on what way is best.

The original post asked if having 2 PRI lines with 3 ranges of DIDs split among them is supportable.  The answer is yes..on all the above methods.  There are additional design considerations that should be taken into account that include things like whether or not isolation of telco resources is required (to prevent one unit from taking all the phone lines or for billing reasons).  Also if a requirement to support something like NFAS came up, this would also factor in on what could be used.

My belief is that we should always make sure we understand the needs and requirements fully before rushing to say it should be done any specific way.  Yes, SIP and H323 are powerful.  But MGCP exists out there for a reason.  Often it is an appropriate choice.

Just my two cents worth.



Thanks for the valuable comments..........

I will like to add more details to my question above..

There are 2 firms A and firm B.

  • Firm A is using the PRI Line A. It has got two range of DID(ie 3040000 to 3040099 and 3042300-3042499).I dont have any clear idea whether the ISP is capable of doing it with 2 different range and one borad number.
  • Firm B is using the PRI Line B. It is having only one DID range(3042500-3042699).
  • Even though it is using the same VG and same CUCME, we need to all separations which includes the accounting , thier identity(Caller ID) etc.



Doesn't change the answers you recelived.

The protocol is a matter of choice at this point.  You haven't identified anything that rules out any of the choices(SIP, H323, or MGCP), though Paulo does make valid points about things that they may ask for down the road.

As far as the configuration you're describing, that's not a problem.  Normally in a situation like this we would have the telco take both T1's and create a single channel group and put ALL numbers down both PRI's.  you will still get the full CDR to be able to separate them as to what belongs to who, and if one circuit goes down, no one is out of business.

The down side to that is that one firm *could* use all the channels on one of the circuits plus channels on the other.  Whether or not this could be an issue for you is something you'd have to examine.  Outgoing call traffic can be controlled via the use of partitions/Call Search Spaces/route patterns/route lists/route groups.  You could allow them access to either, or both, circuits for outbound termination.



Thanks for the reply.

I this case the client has requested the Telco for 2 independant lines which can be used to for 2 firms , so that there will 2 different billing...

If I am using H323 in this will be the out going calls treated... how can i mention in the config that following source number should be routred via this PRI Line.

In case of MGCP...(i dont know , i havnt worked on this protocol). I have the both the  pri ports on the same card....this is fine...?


Yes, both circuits can come into the same card and be treated individually.  This is true regardless of the protocol.

As far as H323, I'd suspect that you'll need to do some digit manipulation to get it to work correctly.  You may be able to use Classes of Restriction (COR) with the dial peers to pull it off (and that would be preferable), but I'm not sure you could get that to work.  You'd have to lab it up and try it.
