I am configuring a 7915 module for a 7962G ip telephone on a CME. I'd configured the ephone and upload its firmware but the module shows at the screen the Cisco logo and all of the buttons are steady amber, all of them.
Is there any configuration that I'm missing or this expansion module is defective?
Thanks for your help.
tftp-server flash:B015-1-0-2.SBN
load 7914 S00105000300
load 7915-12 B015-1-0-2
load 7911 SCCP11.8-4-2S
load 7921 CP7921G-1.1.1
load 7937 apps37sccp.1-2-1-0
load 7960-7940 P00308000500
load 7945 SCCP45.8-4-2S
ephone 85
device-security-mode none
description Call Center
mac-address ECC8.8211.BC6E
after-hours exempt
blf-speed-dial 1 350 label "Normita"
blf-speed-dial 2 351 label "Dr.Ruiz"
blf-speed-dial 3 228 label "Resultados"
blf-speed-dial 4 352 label "SalaJuntas"
paging-dn 234
type 7962 addon 1 7915-12
button 1:106 2:6 3:7 4:8
button 5:70 6:71