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CTI Gateway configuration missing under Presence-Server 10.5?!?

Hi community,

currently i´m trying to set up a CUCM/CUPS (10.5) BE6000 Cluster, thought all is working fine, now i finally try to "attach" the Jabber-Client (10.5) to my deskphone, all should be configured correctly.

Since i need to use CTI for control of the deskphone, in my case a Cisco 8961, i tried to follow the Jabber deployment guide...for sure also the 10.5 one.

Thats what they write HERE (

Set Up a CTI Gateway

The client requires a CTI gateway to communicate with Cisco Unified Communications Manager and perform certain functions such as desk phone control.

Add a CTI Gateway Server

The first step in setting up a CTI gateway is to add a CTI gateway server on Cisco Unified Presence.

    Step 1  Open the Cisco Unified Presence Administration interface.
    Step 2  Select Application > Cisco Jabber > CTI Gateway Server.

    In some versions of Cisco Unified Presence, this path is as follows: Application > Cisco Unified Personal Communicator > CTI Gateway Server.

    The Find and List CTI Gateway Servers window opens.

    Step 3  Select Add New.

    The CTI Gateway Server Configuration window opens.

    Step 4  Specify the required details on the CTI Gateway Server Configuration window.
    Step 5  Select Save.


    THERES NO OPTION LIKE THIS!!!! on that presence server...did i miss something?

    Thanks for any input regarding that. The Jabberclient itself as well as the Softphoneregistration work, i just cannot control my deskphone...and thats a keyfeature wanted from this installation.


    1 Accepted Solution

    Accepted Solutions

    Are you using AD for LDAP Synchronization/auth? What port are you using - 389 or 3268? If its 389, try to change it to 3268 provided its a GC.

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    19 Replies 19

    Ayodeji Okanlawon
    VIP Alumni
    VIP Alumni

    That documentation must be pretty old.. You define your cti servers on the UC service profile in cucm now.. You should define all your other services such a LDAP, tftp, IM and P etc here..and then assing them to a service profile.

     Navigate to User Management > User Settings > UC Service, and then click Add New.

    In the UC Service Configuration page, in the UC Service Type list, select CTI, and then click Next.

    SIn the Add a UC Service section, enter the following information, and then click Save:

    Name—CTI Service for Jabber

    Description—CTI Service for Jabber Clients

    Host Name/IP Address— (Subscriber 1)


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    Thanks for ur input :)

    But thats what i did exactly also. And the user i was used for trying out was added to that profile...or to be more precise, i made this the default profile for the system. Because all will use the same here.


    To be able to control the phone you should add this to the access group for the user

    Standard CTI Allow Control of Phones supporting Connected Xfer and conf"

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    I had that already

    So what is the issue you have now..

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    like described, no deskphone control


    What is the status of your CTI connection on jabber..Go to help>connection the screen shot here..Is there a server ip address displayed for CTI?

    Have you selected the primary phone DN on the user page for the user? Which phone model are you trying to control.. Please check the ff:

    Associate the user to the ff  groups:

    Access Control Group—Standard CCM End users (existing)

    Access Control Group—Standard CTI Enabled

    If you are using one of the following phone models, select the appropriate additional control group:

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 9900 Series—Standard CTI Allow Control of Phones supporting Connected

    Xfer and conf

    Cisco Unified IP Phone 6900 Series—Standard CTI Allow Control of Phones supporting Rollover




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    I try to control my 8961, from my Mac where i have my Jabber running.

    Look at my screenshot, in softphone mode all is fine.

    And i had done all what you described already before, plus, i even doublechecked it now to be sure...

    Are you using AD for LDAP Synchronization/auth? What port are you using - 389 or 3268? If its 389, try to change it to 3268 provided its a GC.

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    THANKS!...i cannot believe that...tried with three worked. It was JUST the port i had to change. And thats strange, because no firewall or anything like that in between...

    Anyways, maaaaaany thanks. Was meanwhile a bit pissed about that strange problem. :)


    we learn need to be pissed! I didn't even know that could cause the issue..I never knew because I always use port 3268 for ldap..but now I know even better!

    George why does AD port affect phone control?

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    Especially i was wondering about this, ONLY affecting deskphone control...because everything besides that works with standard 389...the reason i thought, ok, makes no sense, i always used 389, but, give it a try.

    Thanks again for that hint, George!


    Hi we use open LDAP and got this problem too. I can login to client but cti/deskphone does not work, just if the user are local user. Are there any news to this timing probleme? We use Jabber 11and CUCM/IM Presence 10.5.



    Hi we found it. I do not know why but it seems that cucm holds conection to the ldap server very long time. But after 30 minutes our firewall closes the sessions automatically. Perhaps a keep alive function fails or is not implemented?!? After our firewall closes the connection cucm still sends packets but these are discarded. And after additional one hour the ldap server has answered to the high numbered port used 1 1/2 hours before ;)

    To handle this issue we configured this flow stateless. And now it works, switching between cti- or softphonemode is now like i had a local user.

    Do we missed something?