10-31-2013 03:12 PM - edited 03-16-2019 08:11 PM
I have a PRI on the router that is configured and it is up. I setup everything in CUCM like a few other sites we have. Hooked up a phone and they are able to make outbound calls. I can also reach that phone via extension.
But when I try to call the masked number I get, "Call cannot be completed as dialed ...........". When that phone calls me I can see the outbound number though. What might be missing here that I can't call the external number. I have tried on the router:
debug isdn q931 and 921 but I don't even see the call from my cell hit that router.
Solved! Go to Solution.
10-31-2013 04:20 PM
Are you aware of the DDI allocation associated with the bearer? As the first post indicated it would seem that the telco has not brought the DDIs into service if your dialling what you expect to be a valid DDI yet it does not hit the gateway. When you dial external do you see the Calling Party on the called party, and is this the mask you are attempting to call back in with? The fact that you don't see any debug when calling in with that number would lead me to investigate the issue with the Telco.
Incidentally there are two T1s indicated in the config, are both of these back-hauled and registered with CUCM? Also do they both carry the same DDIs? If both are registered, then the controller should be configured correctly and you would see the incoming call on either.
Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPad App
10-31-2013 05:08 PM
Your best bet is to turn on debug isdn q931 as you rightly said. Ensure that while using telnet that you have "term mon" enabled on the gateway. Also ensure that your gateway is not configured to send debugs to the router's buffer. If it is you can use gthe command "show logging" to see the logs..
If the call comes to your router, then you must see the logs on debug isdn q931...
If after you have done all this and you still dont see the call coming in to the gateway then you need to speak to your telco. Its either the DDI is invalid or your DDI range has not been properly provisioned
10-31-2013 08:23 PM
Call your telco and ask them to ID the exact PRI where they're sending the call to.
If you don't see anything on the debug for inbound calls, but see debugging for outbound calls, telco is not delivering calls to that PRI.
Nothing you can do if thats the case, except call telco to correct this on their end.
Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPad App
10-31-2013 03:23 PM
Hi Mohammad,
What are you running MGCP, SIp or H323?
Let me clear if I understood corectly, when you call the T1 pilot number, the call is not received throught the router? If that is the case maybe the problem is at your Telco.
If the call is answered by the router, the translation pattern you have made is wrong and that's why is not hitting the phone. Please attach a show run.
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Favor calificar todos las respuestas útiles dando click en las estrellas de mas abajo.
LinkedIn Profile: do.linkedin.com/in/leosalcie
10-31-2013 04:02 PM
We are doing mgcp. And debug isdn q931 doesn't show any calls from outside hitting the router. Here is the voice related config.
card type t1 0 0
card type t1 0 1
no network-clock-participate wic 0
network-clock-participate wic 1
no ip source-route
ip cef
ip flow-cache timeout active 1
no ip domain lookup
ip name-server
ip name-server
ipv6 spd queue min-threshold 62
ipv6 spd queue max-threshold 63
no ipv6 cef
multilink bundle-name authenticated
isdn switch-type primary-4ess
voice-card 0
dsp services dspfarm
service alternate default
hw-module pvdm 0/0
hw-module pvdm 0/1
path flash:/archive_config
maximum 7
time-period 10080
controller T1 0/0/0
cablelength long 0db
channel-group 0 timeslots 1-24
controller T1 0/0/1
cablelength long 0db
controller T1 0/1/0
cablelength long 0db
channel-group 0 timeslots 1-24
controller T1 0/1/1
cablelength long 0db
pri-group timeslots 1-24 service mgcp
ip tcp selective-ack
ip tcp path-mtu-discovery
ip telnet source-interface Loopback0
ip ftp source-interface Loopback0
ip tftp source-interface Loopback0
ip ssh source-interface Loopback0
ip ssh logging events
ip ssh version 2
track 1 ip route reachability
class-map match-any COS-3_cm
match protocol snmp
match protocol dns
match protocol ntp
match protocol pcanywhere
match protocol RADIUS
match protocol TACACS
" match protocol http host ""\.XXXX\.com$"""
" match protocol http host ""\.XXX\.com$"""
" match protocol http host ""^\w*-\w*-\d*$"""
" match protocol http host ""^\w*\d*\w*\d*$"""
" match protocol http host ""^\w*\d*$"""
" match protocol http host ""^\w*\d*\w*"""
" match protocol http host ""^\w*$"""
" match protocol http host ""^10\."""
" match protocol http host ""^172\.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1])\."""
" match protocol http host ""^192\.168\."""
match access-group name COS-3_acl
class-map match-any COS-2_cm
match ip dscp af31
match ip dscp cs3
match protocol bgp
match protocol telnet
match protocol ssh
match protocol skinny
match protocol mgcp
match protocol sip
match protocol citrix
match protocol xwindows
match protocol AS400
match protocol RF_Guns
match protocol printer
match access-group name COS-2_acl
class-map match-any COS-1_cm
match dscp ef
match protocol rtp
class-map match-any COS-4_cm
match protocol exchange
match protocol kerberos
match protocol gre
match access-group name COS-4_acl
class-map match-any Blocked-Traffic
match protocol cuseeme
match protocol edonkey
match protocol fasttrack
match protocol gnutella
match protocol kazaa2
match protocol streamwork
match protocol winmx
match protocol vdolive
match protocol irc
match protocol secure-irc
class-map match-any BGP
match protocol bgp
policy-map ReMark-BGP
class BGP
set ip dscp cs6
policy-map XXX-QOS-Policy
class COS-1_cm
priority percent 60
set ip dscp ef
class COS-2_cm
bandwidth remaining percent 55
set ip dscp af31
service-policy ReMark-BGP
class COS-3_cm
bandwidth remaining percent 30
set ip dscp af21
class COS-4_cm
bandwidth remaining percent 10
set ip dscp default
class Blocked-Traffic
class class-default
set ip dscp af11
interface Loopback0
ip address
no ip redirects
no ip proxy-arp
interface Port-channel1
no ip address
interface Port-channel1.1
description Management VLAN
encapsulation dot1Q 1 native
ip address
standby 1 ip
standby 1 priority 250
standby 1 preempt
standby 1 track 1 decrement 6
interface Port-channel1.20
description Phone VLAN
encapsulation dot1Q 20
ip address
standby 20 ip
standby 20 priority 250
standby 20 preempt
standby 20 track 1 decrement 6
interface Port-channel1.40
description End User VLAN
encapsulation dot1Q 40
ip address
standby 40 ip
standby 40 priority 250
standby 40 preempt
standby 40 track 1 decrement 6
interface Port-channel1.60
description RF Gun VLAN
encapsulation dot1Q 60
ip address
standby 60 ip
standby 60 priority 250
standby 60 preempt
standby 60 track 1 decrement 6
interface Multilink1
description ATT MLPPP AVPN
bandwidth 1544
ip address
ip flow ingress
ppp multilink
ppp multilink group 1
service-policy output XXX-QOS-Policy
interface Embedded-Service-Engine0/0
no ip address
interface GigabitEthernet0/0
description MEMBER OF PO1
no ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
channel-group 1
interface GigabitEthernet0/1
description MEMBER OF PO1
no ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
channel-group 1
interface GigabitEthernet0/2
no ip address
duplex auto
speed auto
interface Serial0/0/0:0
no ip address
encapsulation ppp
ppp multilink
ppp multilink group 1
interface Serial0/1/0:0
no ip address
encapsulation ppp
ppp multilink
ppp multilink group 1
interface Serial0/1/1:23
no ip address
encapsulation hdlc
isdn switch-type primary-ni
isdn incoming-voice voice
isdn bind-l3 ccm-manager
no cdp enable
ip forward-protocol nd
ip route
ip tacacs source-interface Loopback0
voice-port 0/1/1:23
voice-port 0/2/0
timing hookflash-out 50
timing guard-out 1000
voice-port 0/2/1
timing hookflash-out 50
timing guard-out 1000
ccm-manager fallback-mgcp
ccm-manager redundant-host
ccm-manager mgcp
no ccm-manager fax protocol cisco
ccm-manager music-on-hold
ccm-manager config server
ccm-manager config
mgcp call-agent 2427 service-type mgcp version 0.1
mgcp dtmf-relay voip codec all mode out-of-band
mgcp rtp unreachable timeout 1000 action notify
mgcp modem passthrough voip mode nse
mgcp package-capability rtp-package
mgcp package-capability sst-package
mgcp package-capability pre-package
no mgcp package-capability res-package
no mgcp package-capability fxr-package
no mgcp timer receive-rtcp
mgcp sdp simple
mgcp fax t38 inhibit
mgcp rtp payload-type g726r16 static
mgcp bind control source-interface Loopback0
mgcp bind media source-interface Loopback0
mgcp profile default
sccp local Loopback0
sccp ccm identifier 2 priority 2 version 4.1
sccp ccm identifier 1 priority 1 version 4.1
sccp ccm group 1
description DSP Farm Resources For Local Phones
associate ccm 1 priority 1
associate ccm 2 priority 2
associate profile 1 register XXX-Tran
associate profile 2 register XXX-Conf
associate profile 3 register XXX-MTP
switchback method graceful
dspfarm profile 1 transcode
codec g729abr8
codec g729ar8
codec g711alaw
codec g711ulaw
maximum sessions 2
associate application SCCP
dspfarm profile 2 conference
codec g729br8
codec g729r8
codec g729abr8
codec g729ar8
codec g711alaw
codec g711ulaw
maximum sessions 8
associate application SCCP
dspfarm profile 3 mtp
codec g711ulaw
maximum sessions software 10
associate application SCCP
dial-peer voice 999020 pots
service mgcpapp
port 0/2/0
dial-peer voice 999021 pots
service mgcpapp
port 0/2/1
timer receive-rtp 1200
max-conferences 4 gain -6
transfer-system full-consult
ip source-address port 2000
max-ephones 24
max-dn 48
10-31-2013 04:20 PM
Are you aware of the DDI allocation associated with the bearer? As the first post indicated it would seem that the telco has not brought the DDIs into service if your dialling what you expect to be a valid DDI yet it does not hit the gateway. When you dial external do you see the Calling Party on the called party, and is this the mask you are attempting to call back in with? The fact that you don't see any debug when calling in with that number would lead me to investigate the issue with the Telco.
Incidentally there are two T1s indicated in the config, are both of these back-hauled and registered with CUCM? Also do they both carry the same DDIs? If both are registered, then the controller should be configured correctly and you would see the incoming call on either.
Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPad App
10-31-2013 04:49 PM
Allan thanks for the reply, only the PRI beign utilized for the Voice and is backhauled to the CUCM.
Leo thank you for the reply as well, so is there a way for me to see if the call is hitting the CUCM? I have reached out to telco too. Now when I turned it up they metioned that this is a Local PRI. Would that require a different config?
10-31-2013 05:06 PM
No problem can you post the output from the 'show ccm-manager', this will indicate the registration status of each configured end-point in Communications Manager for that gateway. If you have enabled debug and turned monitor on, I would expect you to see output as calls externally appear to routed Offnet successfully. Just to be certain, there is no other way for an external call to be routed on-net to another PTSN gateway, this is the only outbound gateway for this site?
If outbound is successful, then inbound calls should hit the gateway, even if the gateway has an incorrect CSS, the call would show as unallocated and return fast busy.
Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPad App
10-31-2013 04:30 PM
@Mohammad ,
if you are running MGCP remember Q.931 is managed by CUCM so I think that's why you're not receiving the call signaling (I don't remember for sure right now ).
The prompt you received "Call cannot be completed as dialed..." is from CUCM so the call has been received. The problem it's maybe because the DID received by the TELCO is not matching the translation pattern created in CUCM.
Ask the Telco which DID number they're sending on the call, then match that number creating a translation pattern to the destination DN.
Please remember to rate useful posts clicking on the stars below.
Favor calificar todos las respuestas útiles dando click en las estrellas de mas abajo.
LinkedIn Profile: do.linkedin.com/in/leosalcie
10-31-2013 05:07 PM
There are 4 T1s there, 2 data, one with no config, and one for voice.
Yes, Q931 info is managed by CUCM, but you should still see output from a debug ISDN Q931.
The message "your call cannot..." is definitely CUCM.
I would suspect you are matching something, but there's a CSS problem.
If you don't match anything, you do not hear CUCM, you send a reason code of unallocated number back to the PSTN.
Are you 100% sure of the call flow and the PRI on which you expect the call????
Provide a sh diag from the ISR
if this helps, please rate
10-31-2013 05:08 PM
Your best bet is to turn on debug isdn q931 as you rightly said. Ensure that while using telnet that you have "term mon" enabled on the gateway. Also ensure that your gateway is not configured to send debugs to the router's buffer. If it is you can use gthe command "show logging" to see the logs..
If the call comes to your router, then you must see the logs on debug isdn q931...
If after you have done all this and you still dont see the call coming in to the gateway then you need to speak to your telco. Its either the DDI is invalid or your DDI range has not been properly provisioned
10-31-2013 07:27 PM
Thanks y'all for your help here are the answers to all the questions:
Output from the 'show ccm-manager'
Priority Status Host
Primary Registered
First Backup Backup Ready
Second Backup None
Current active Call Manager:
Backhaul/Redundant link port: 2428
Failover Interval: 30 seconds
Keepalive Interval: 15 seconds
Last keepalive sent: 21:07:09 DST Oct 31 2013 (elapsed time: 00:00:07)
Last MGCP traffic time: 21:07:09 DST Oct 31 2013 (elapsed time: 00:00:07)
Last failover time: None
Last switchback time: None
Switchback mode: Graceful
MGCP Fallback mode: Enabled/OFF
Last MGCP Fallback start time: None
Last MGCP Fallback end time: None
MGCP Download Tones: Disabled
TFTP retry count to shut Ports: 2
If you have enabled debug and turned monitor on, I would expect you to see output as calls externally appear to routed Offnet successfully. Just to be certain, there is no other way for an external call to be routed on-net to another PTSN gateway, this is the only outbound gateway for this site?
**** Yes this is the only gateway for this site in CUCM I see it registered too
If outbound is successful, then inbound calls should hit the gateway, even if the gateway has an incorrect CSS, the call would show as unallocated and return fast busy.
**** Inbound calls to the DID don't even show hitting the router at all
There are 4 T1s there, 2 data, one with no config, and one for voice.
**** We only have a single PRI and a Data T1 at this site
Yes, Q931 info is managed by CUCM, but you should still see output from a debug ISDN Q931.
**** No when I call the DID I do not see anything in the debug
The message "your call cannot..." is definitely CUCM.
I would suspect you are matching something, but there's a CSS problem.
If you don't match anything, you do not hear CUCM, you send a reason code of unallocated number back to the PSTN.
**** Can you please elaborate I'm new to voice this is the firs time touching it. Even if there is a CSS problem I should still see the call hit the router.
Are you 100% sure of the call flow and the PRI on which you expect the call????
**** There is only one PRI and per telco it is a Local PRI and DID's should be hitting that PRI from what my understanding is.
Your best bet is to turn on debug isdn q931 as you rightly said. Ensure that while using telnet that you have "term mon" enabled on the gateway. Also ensure that your gateway is not configured to send debugs to the router's buffer. If it is you can use gthe command "show logging" to see the logs..
If the call comes to your router, then you must see the logs on debug isdn q931...
If after you have done all this and you still dont see the call coming in to the gateway then you need to speak to your telco. Its either the DDI is invalid or your DDI range has not been properly provisioned
**** Already done this, I just don't see the call hitting the router when I call the DID, I tried to map couple of DID's to one of the extensions and same results.
10-31-2013 08:23 PM
Call your telco and ask them to ID the exact PRI where they're sending the call to.
If you don't see anything on the debug for inbound calls, but see debugging for outbound calls, telco is not delivering calls to that PRI.
Nothing you can do if thats the case, except call telco to correct this on their end.
Sent from Cisco Technical Support iPad App
11-01-2013 02:50 AM
Hi M. Ali,
Check that you configuredd the CSS for inbound calls in Gateway PRI interface configured in CUCM
11-01-2013 07:26 AM
Yes Under Call Routing --> Class of Controll --> CSS I have created an inbound CSS and then added the inbound Partition to it.
I just created a ticket with our Telco as well.
11-01-2013 07:39 AM
Wow I create a ticket with ATT to check the DID's if they are provisioned for the right PRI and they send me an automated email in like 2 min closing the ticket telling me that PRI is up really?
11-01-2013 07:44 AM
Hi Mohammad,
Please use the command: debug isdn 931. We have to know what DID number is sent by the Telco.
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LinkedIn Profile: do.linkedin.com/in/leosalcie
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