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Forum Posts

For those of you who may have not seen this yet, please note the older 5500 models of ASA (except the 5505) are ending sales later this year. Per standard Cisco policy, support will continue to be available for 5 years after End of Sales.Announcement...

Hello, I'm testing out VSG, and I'm having a strange problem. After integrating vCenter with VNMC I see the ESX hosts that exist on vCenter on VNMC ResourceManagement>Resources>VirtualMachines, but I cannot see any of the VM's that exist on on each o...

Hi guys, I am not able to access asdm via my browser. All is setup correctly that I can see. Here is my configASA Version 8.6(1)2!hostname DFB-ASAenable password YWZBogZjbyvTSYf1 encryptedpasswd YWZBogZjbyvTSYf1 encryptednames!interface GigabitEthern...

ccarter81 by Level 1
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Resolved! Two tier firewall

Hi ,I have to configuration for data center network with two tier firewall.Our data centre will DMZ server and Microsoft Lync Server.Server team advise me to put DMZ servers between two firewall.So I need to NAT on front end firewall with DMZ LAN and...

aung.htwe by Level 1
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I just received 2 brand new Cisco 5525-X (OS 8.6).  I am unable to get any response when I browse to the and to pull up the ADSM.  I can connect via serial and do SHOW RUN and all of the command via ...

EricKnorr by Level 1
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We have a server that sits in the DMZ.  We need to allow users from the Outside interface to access it on the DMZ.  The server on the DMZ will need to access a server on the Inside network.  Is there a special way to configure that or just standard N...

brentz by Level 1
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Hi everyone,I tried to create an ACL for IPv6. But the acl always drops my packetes. Only in case I allow an Permit Icmp6 any any statement. It works.With detailed IPv6 entries. I have got drops.ipv6 access-list ipv6-inside; 6 elements; name hash: 0x...

Hello Looking for a recommended code on the ASA 5585x firewall. We ran into a bug (CSCtr24705) on version 8.4.2 where it rebooted the primary firewall. The bug has to do with modifying an existing ACL that's part of a custom policy-map inside a serv...

johng231 by Level 3
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Hello everyone,I have an issue with an 4255 IPS using an inline VLAN pair. Here's the rough sketch of the topology:SW1port 1 access vlan 10 - PC ( 48 trunk to SW2 - all vlans allowed and forwardingSW2port 48 trunk to SW1 - all vlans...

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