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We are the getting below log messages from our 5520 ( 8.4.2 - HA pair) and they are failing over to each other. what causes this error and Is there any work around for this.May 25 2012 08:21:27: %ASA-4-411005: Interface GigabitEthernet0/2 experienced...

HiWonder if someone can shed some light.Have the followingSITE A                                                                                                                                                         SITE BFW1 network 255...

CT_Dude by Level 1
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                   i have a pix 501 that i cannot get working properly. i plug in the cables and console as directed and it will show that I am connected to the internet but I do not have access to the internet.   I have no idea what is wrong. we use...

                   We set up botnet filtering yesteray.  We have about 300 users behind the ASA-5510.  What a great tool!  But, the filter claims that we have about 70 "infected machines".I investigated some of the IPs, like  That IP b...

Hi Cisco,How we can see the detail of the Cisco IPS signature. If i want to see the the prriority(High/Medium/Low) of latest signature.E.g if i upgrade my IPS sensor with Latest signature and i want to see what are the High or critical signature Cis...

Hi,I have some qeustions about making an ASA accessiblr from the outside. At our clients we want to make the ASA's accessible from the outside so if the VPN tunnel goes down for any reason we are still able to access the ASA from the outside with htt...

I need to configure my asa as follows: Two active ISP´s, one(ISP1) for outbound traffic (normal internet traffic) and the other one for inbound traffic(ISP2), http to a web server in the inside network. I have two default routes, one pointing to ISP ...

Unimoreno by Level 1
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Hello.  I have a video conferencing codec installed behind a customers ASA 5500 (8.2.4).  The codec has a private IP address and a static one-to-one NAT with a public IP has been configured for it in the ASA.  All the appropriate ports for H323 video...

Hello,I have a 2811 ISR configured to provide the following services to my network:Internet access to LAN users Cisco Call Manager ExpressSite-to-stie VPN to 3rd party networksVPN server to provide VPN access to remote usersSecurity Zone configuratio...