Network Security

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Forum Posts

Resolved! FTD Smart Token

Hello,Question about the smart token for my FTD 2130.I have 2 FTD to create a cluster A/P. How many tokens do I need? One for each FTD or not?Thank you.

h.dam by Level 1
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Hello everybody,our monitoring system showed a warning because high memory andswap utilization of customers FMC (running on VMware).I went to the expert mode and the top command showed the following:root@M-Firesight:/Volume/home/admin# top to...

swscco001 by Level 3
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Hi all,I thought I have fixed one problem but actually I have created another. I got an ASA 5508, connected to AWS cloud via AWS direct connect, which uses a cross-connect in the datacenter, and communicates via BGP (this is not a VPN).  AWS net: 10....

sawasa by Level 1
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Hi guys,  I'm a bit confused in why we would use two signed certificates for anyconnect VPN to establish a trust point on the outside interface of the firewall. If look at the below article and follow the steps, it would go like this.  1. Create a CS...