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Cisco CSPC 2.10.0 admin user expiration?

i have upgraded quite a few of the CSPC data collectors to the 2.10 main stream.
however, as these servers have been online for a while i was working on installing the patch towards

so i tried to login into the CLI, the admin account seems expired. starting a session returns:
"your account has expired; please contact your system administrator"

the password is ok, but we can't login using the CLI  admin-account or the CLI collectorlogin userids we had saved and changed the expiration policies to not expire. is there a way to fix this ? 

The CSPC GUI at port 8001 can still be reached: the server itself is available?

this looks like a change in the CSPC server configuration/security rules?
anyone here who knows how i can prevent this server to expire the admin-account?
During install it's stated that if i loose the password i need to reinstall, but i havem't lost the password, somewhere the account got expired. This seems a change from the <2.10.X.X versions?


21 Replies 21

the story continues: i logged into one CSPC server: reached collectorlogin and swithced to root to update/: ./install JeOS jeos-XX.XX. 
after the reboot the collectorlogin-user is expired? would love some TLC here.

Hi Michiel,

For further troubleshooting, kindly share the WebEx availability so that we can troubleshoot the issue over WebEx. Also, please share your email id for a Webex meeting invite over the Private Message.

Thanks and Regards,

Madhusha R

Hi Michiel,

As discussed, due to security reason, the collectorlogin and admin will get expired in 90 days and goes inactive in few days by default.

However, you can use the below command where the users will not get expired.

# chage -m 0 -M 99999 -I -1 -E -1 collectorlogin (or admin or any users)

To check the status:

# chage -l collectorlogin (or admin or any users)

Also, we have reset the password of collectorlogin in console as root user. Command used--

# passwd collectorlogin.

Thanks and regards,

Madhusha R


slotty bartfast
Level 1
Level 1

The idea of this virtual appliance is nice. The implementation and interface are equally horrible. Every year, I am forced to kill the virtual appliance and redeploy it simply because it is poorly coded, poorly updated, and poorly implemented. Once again, I am locked out of the admin account and no root password is set during the setup process so no recovery is possible. Either fix this monstrosity or kill it off altogether, please. The number of hours that I have wasted setting up and redeploying these appliances over the past few years is just stupid.

Hi slotty,

Hope you are doing well!

Could you please elaborate the issue that you are facing?

Thanks and Regards,
Vivek Chauhan

it would be very good to update the documentation: explain where/how you should register and change the the root and admin passwords. and the fact that there are two admins one on the CLI and one in the GUI.

Please explain where/how you CAN disable the user expiration for those users: lots of this server is installed and then keeps working without any touching or checking: the output is used on the portal it's a server with lots of results.
BUT: keeping it online and reachable is not an easy task..

Absolutely agree with this.  It is beyond stupid that this is setup this way with no recovery mode.  FWIW, the deployment and setup of this appliance was completely overseen by Cisco TAC, and at NO POINT during the installation was there any mention of setting up a root password or reconfiguring CLI users for no expiry--actually there was not mention of using the CLI at all.
And, while we're at it, why do I need to use the CLI?  The system is supposed to update through the web gui, but that seems to have stopped working some time after June 2022.  Honestly, I had given up on this steaming PoS until someone from Cisco actually reached out to me and encouraged me to install this.  Once again, I am about ready to just shut it down and walk away.