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2511 terminal server shows flash: in RO mode. Can't erase.

Level 1
Level 1

I can't delete, erase, or format the flash. Any commands to override this?

Sand2511#erase flash:

Erasing the flash filesystem will remove all files! Continue? [confirm]

%dev_open: System flash not writable

%Error erasing flash: (Device is read-only)

Sand2511#sh flash: all

Partition Size Used Free Bank-Size State Copy Mode

1 16383K 9245K 7138K 8192K Read ONLY RXBOOT-FLH

System flash directory:

File Length Name/status

addr fcksum ccksum

1 9467416 c2500-i-l.122-32.bin

0x40 0x7084 0x7084

[9467480 bytes used, 7309732 available, 16777212 total]

16384K bytes of processor board System flash (Read ONLY)

Chip Bank Code Size Name

1 1 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA

2 1 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA

3 1 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA

4 1 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA

1 2 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA

2 2 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA

3 2 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA

4 2 89A0 2048KB INTEL 28F016SA

Executing current image from System flash


2 Accepted Solutions

Accepted Solutions

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

1. Establish a console session to the router.

2. Put the router into boot mode by issuing the config-register 0x2101 global configuration command as shown in this example:


2500#configure terminal

2500(config)#config-register 0x2101


!--- Press Ctrl-Z to exit.

Note: Do not save the configuration while in boot mode, as this may result in the loss of configuration data in NVRAM.

3. Issue the show version command at the next reload to verify the configuration register setting is correct. Look at the last line of the output, as shown in this example:

2500#show version

Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software

IOS (tm) 2500 Software (C2500-IS-L), Version 11.3(11)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)

Copyright (c) 1986-1999 by cisco Systems, Inc.

Compiled Mon 26-Jul-99 18:19 by pwade

Image text-base: 0x0303B008, data-base: 0x00001000

ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 11.0(10c)XB1, PLATFORM SPECIFIC RELEASE SOFTWARE)

BOOTFLASH: 3000 Bootstrap Software (IGS-BOOT-R), Version 11.0(10c)XB1,PLATFORM

2500 uptime is 1 year, 2 weeks, 5 days, 22 hours, 3 minutes

System restarted by power-on

System image file is "flash:c2500-is-l.113-11.T.bin", booted via flash

cisco AS2511-RJ (68030) processor (revision K) with 14336K/2048K bytes of memory.

Processor board ID 22849251, with hardware revision 00000000

Bridging software.

X.25 software, Version 3.0.0.

1 Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)

1 Serial network interface(s)

16 terminal line(s)

32K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.

8192K bytes of processor board System flash (Read Only)

Configuration register is 0x2102 (will be 0x2101 at next reload)

The last line verifies that the configuration register will be 0x2101 after the reload. Notice that the Flash shows Read Only.

4. Reload the router. You may be prompted to save configuration changes. It is not necessary to save the configuration for the configuration register setting to take effect, as shown in this example:


When the router reloads, the prompt should display (boot), indicating that the router is in boot mode.

5. Issue another show version command to ensure the Flash shows Read/Write. The last two lines should now appear like this:


2500(boot)#show version

8192K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)

Configuration register is 0x2101

At this point, writing to or erasing Flash should be possible.

6. After performing the desired Flash procedure, change the configuration register back to 0x2102 in order to boot from the Flash, as shown in this example:

2500(boot)#configure terminal

2500(boot)(config)#config-register 0x2102


!--- Press Ctrl-Z to exit.

Reload the router. Do not save the changes. Saving changes while in boot mode may result in a loss of configuration.


When the router reloads, the router should be running from the Flash and the Flash should show Read Only again.

7. If the Flash shows Read Only even after going to boot mode, there may be an issue with the Flash. Power down the router and reseat the Flash Single In-line Memory Modules (SIMMs). If it still shows Read Only, the Flash may need to be replaced.

View solution in original post

Level 1
Level 1

It's been a while, but if memory serves me right, you need to drop back in to boot mode.

Set the config register to 0x2101

and reload in to boot mode. Your flash should become read/write.

Obviously set it back to 0x2102 when you're done.

Config backup may be a good plan before you start :-)


View solution in original post

6 Replies 6

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

1. Establish a console session to the router.

2. Put the router into boot mode by issuing the config-register 0x2101 global configuration command as shown in this example:


2500#configure terminal

2500(config)#config-register 0x2101


!--- Press Ctrl-Z to exit.

Note: Do not save the configuration while in boot mode, as this may result in the loss of configuration data in NVRAM.

3. Issue the show version command at the next reload to verify the configuration register setting is correct. Look at the last line of the output, as shown in this example:

2500#show version

Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software

IOS (tm) 2500 Software (C2500-IS-L), Version 11.3(11)T, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1)

Copyright (c) 1986-1999 by cisco Systems, Inc.

Compiled Mon 26-Jul-99 18:19 by pwade

Image text-base: 0x0303B008, data-base: 0x00001000

ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 11.0(10c)XB1, PLATFORM SPECIFIC RELEASE SOFTWARE)

BOOTFLASH: 3000 Bootstrap Software (IGS-BOOT-R), Version 11.0(10c)XB1,PLATFORM

2500 uptime is 1 year, 2 weeks, 5 days, 22 hours, 3 minutes

System restarted by power-on

System image file is "flash:c2500-is-l.113-11.T.bin", booted via flash

cisco AS2511-RJ (68030) processor (revision K) with 14336K/2048K bytes of memory.

Processor board ID 22849251, with hardware revision 00000000

Bridging software.

X.25 software, Version 3.0.0.

1 Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)

1 Serial network interface(s)

16 terminal line(s)

32K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory.

8192K bytes of processor board System flash (Read Only)

Configuration register is 0x2102 (will be 0x2101 at next reload)

The last line verifies that the configuration register will be 0x2101 after the reload. Notice that the Flash shows Read Only.

4. Reload the router. You may be prompted to save configuration changes. It is not necessary to save the configuration for the configuration register setting to take effect, as shown in this example:


When the router reloads, the prompt should display (boot), indicating that the router is in boot mode.

5. Issue another show version command to ensure the Flash shows Read/Write. The last two lines should now appear like this:


2500(boot)#show version

8192K bytes of processor board System flash (Read/Write)

Configuration register is 0x2101

At this point, writing to or erasing Flash should be possible.

6. After performing the desired Flash procedure, change the configuration register back to 0x2102 in order to boot from the Flash, as shown in this example:

2500(boot)#configure terminal

2500(boot)(config)#config-register 0x2102


!--- Press Ctrl-Z to exit.

Reload the router. Do not save the changes. Saving changes while in boot mode may result in a loss of configuration.


When the router reloads, the router should be running from the Flash and the Flash should show Read Only again.

7. If the Flash shows Read Only even after going to boot mode, there may be an issue with the Flash. Power down the router and reseat the Flash Single In-line Memory Modules (SIMMs). If it still shows Read Only, the Flash may need to be replaced.

Thanks. This worked.

Apparently you need the added joy of being in the boot loader to get RW access. You can then erase and then do a copy tftp flash.

I'm glad it worked.

Franco Zamora

Routing Protocols Team Manager

VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

One of the fun things of using a router thats that old :-)

OLD FUN STUFF? God I love it. I've only been in these games 35 years, and now the great computer --- will free this lovely.

Level 1
Level 1

It's been a while, but if memory serves me right, you need to drop back in to boot mode.

Set the config register to 0x2101

and reload in to boot mode. Your flash should become read/write.

Obviously set it back to 0x2102 when you're done.

Config backup may be a good plan before you start :-)


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