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Converting departmental lines from shared to hunt group for CDR report

Level 1
Level 1

Hello Team 

I have a task that has several Main lines (With Voicemail) for inbound calls, all set to shared lines and I want to convert it to a Hunt group with each user having an extention. I wanted to forward the main routable DID to a non routable to be able to transisition later to UCCX. This method was thought out although how would I get the calls to go to Voicemail when the office is closed?

They just want the line to ring into selected user/agents to take the call if no one it there it should go to VM. the department label on each user line will denote which department office is calling. Some agents get mutiple offices lines. I should be able to run CDR to give them reporting on all calls and who answered

Pilot / LabelAlt ExtensionDepartment NAMEPhone Mac
2150005703515703Office 1 AgentAgent 1XXXXXXXXX
 525703Agent  Agent 2XXXXXXXXX
 535703Agent  Agent 3XXXXXXXXX
 545703Agent  Agent 4XXXXXXXXX
 555703Agent  Agent 5XXXXXXXXX
29 Replies 29





If I'm reading your posts correctly, you have a Hunt Pilot with a DN of \+12150005703. And you have created a call routing rule where the Dialed Number includes that string it goes to the System Directory Handler.

You can change the "Send Calls To" section of the Call Routing Rule (I'm going to assume you made this a Forwarded Call Routing Rule and not a Direct) to send to the voicemail box of the original DID number. (That is what I understand you want to do.)  Choose: User with a Mailbox, and select the voicemail box that has the DID number on it.


VOICEMAIL , users cannot retreive VM from their phone as before the extension was configured for.

How do I allow then to retreive VM now 

Hello Maren

It seems the only way I can get the users to access the VM from the main line is to use the back door method to VM pilot and hit Star, enter number and Pin.

Second I notice the calls are reporting in on the CDR with the incorrect time stamp. is there any resolve for this ?

Date/Time connectedDate/Time disconnectedDurationCalling PartyCalled PartyFinal Called Party NumberDest. Device NameCall AnsweredCall AbandonedCall Forwarded Due to No Answer(FONA)Call Forwarded Due to Busy (FOB)
NA12:23:30 PM01704492961512150005703515703SEPECCE13DB7FC0NNNN
12:24:33 PM12:25:28 PM551704492961512150005703515703SEPECCE13DB7FC0YNNN
NA12:34:13 PM0170449296151215000570312150005703SEPECCE13DB7FC0NYNN
12:57:01 PM12:58:28 PM871704492961512150005703515703SEPECCE13DB7FC0YNNN
NA1:00:30 PM0170449296151215000570312150005703SEP1859F5EE3C31NYNN
NA1:15:08 PM0121527571721215000570312150005703SEP549FC60B58CCNYNN
1:17:10 PM1:17:52 PM421610392448912150005703515703SEPECCE13DB7FC0YNNN
1:18:00 PM1:18:17 PM171215214160012150005703515703SEPECCE13DB7FC0YNNN
1:20:26 PM1:24:26 PM2401267690068712150005703515703SEPECCE13DB7FC0YNNN
1:27:44 PM1:30:46 PM1821215214160012150005703515703SEPECCE13DB7FC0YNNN
NA1:28:26 PM0121521416001215000570312150005703SEPA03D6EB94E04NYNN
1:35:26 PM1:35:51 PM251215214160012150005703515703SEPECCE13DB7FC0YNNN
1:35:52 PM1:35:55 PM3121521416001215728268612159990030CP_12159990030YNNN
1:35:55 PM1:42:44 PM40912152141600587203587203SEP8C941FFFFF0EYNNN
NA1:40:38 PM0121521416001215000570312150005703SEPECCE13DB7FC0NYNN
2:04:12 PM2:07:34 PM2021215989686212150005703515703SEPECCE13DB7FC0YNNN
NA2:47:23 PM0185542686281215000570312150005703SEPECCE13DB7FC0NYNN
3:00:10 PM3:13:53 PM8231267312352612150005703515703SEPECCE13DB7FC0YNNN
NA3:15:16 PM0126725944581215000570312150005703SEPA03D6EA844DCNYNN
3:38:43 PM3:38:56 PM131267456248012150005703555703SEP549FC60B58CCYNNN
NA3:40:27 PM0126745624801215000570312150005703SEP549FC60B58CCNYNN
4:14:21 PM4:14:37 PM161610427022012150005703515703SEPECCE13DB7FC0YNNN
4:14:37 PM4:47:24 PM1967161042702201215728260012159990097CP_12159990097YNNN
4:21:15 PM4:22:18 PM631215765662612150005703515703SEPECCE13DB7FC0YNNN
4:22:38 PM4:23:31 PM531215765662612157282713580001TSJCUCPUBNNYN
4:47:24 PM4:47:28 PM416104270220587101587101SEP689E0B29AFB5YNNN
4:56:21 PM4:56:34 PM131215941802012150005703580000TSJCUCPUBNNYN
5:14:26 PM5:15:05 PM391215518230712150005703580000TSJCUCPUBNNYN
5:35:54 PM5:36:34 PM401215214160012150005703580000TSJCUCPUBNNYN

Do you mean that all users have to identify themselves and then put in their PIN, or do you mean that checking the voicemail of the Hunt Pilot VM box is requiring users to identify that specific VM extension and then enter the PIN? I hope it is the latter, and that would be expected behavior.

As for timestamps, they are given by CUCM in the CDRs and are usually UTC.


Ok , the hunt pilot does not have a VM box the translated main DID has the VM box. The rule in UC points unanswered calls to the VM box of the main DID. So they have to access this through the back door access to VM pilot.

We have another issue 


There’s a problem with x5703.  Phones are only ringing 2x then transferring call to Cisco unity connection messing system. We’ve been missing calls all afternoon. Please correct ASAP.  Let’s make sure all the bugs are worked out before converting another line.

The calls does not go to the actual VM Box its going to the pilot and not allowing the caller to hear the greeting so no VM left. not sure how to get non answer calls to this VM box for XXX5703






I done what you stated exactly above, and the callers get the generic VM greeting as if they called the pilot 580000

it does not go to the VM box like I would have hope

How many digits does CUCM send to the Unity Connection? Can you share a screenshot of your voicemail pilot 580000 settings page including the “voice mail box mask” section? 


Hello Techtran

I was able to resolved this by using a CIT_RP instead of a translation pattern, for the main DID to Hunt pliot

works now

Level 1
Level 1

It is working as you discussed by sending the call to the VM Pliot -- Awsome just needed the correct CSS as discused

the calls are routing from Main number to the Hunt pilot and ou to the group of agents. no answer calls go to VM, as Hunt pliot dictates. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

I built a call flow with RP to a hunt pilot to user / agent separate extensions to gather reporting information on calls. (Thanks to Maren) I was able to get the caller to the main VM box through the hunt pilot number forward to VM pilot. I also had to configure a Rule on UC to send the calls to VM. Now! Do anyone know how to get the  VM for these lines active on the hunt group members ? 

There is no indications of them getting VM,  it would be great to provide a solution to this. 

In Unity Connection go to the VM box that the hunt pilot flows into. Find the menu item "Message Waiting" (or it might be "Message Waiting Indicators"). You can add additional DNs that should have MWI for this voicemail box. Keep in mind, though, that there will be no way for a line group member to know if the MWI is on for their own DN or for the hunt pilot's VM box.
