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Member since ‎05-18-2021

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  • 21 Posts
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Good day, Just wonder if you could help me out with a bit of feasibility study. (ECE /UCCE Version 12.6  Enterprise Edition) Is it possible the following scenario that involves both Cisco Chat and OpenAI Chatbot? user logs in Chatbot and has a conver...
Good day,Question: Does  ECE 12.6 allow multiple chat MRD?  or it supports only 1 MRD for each channels like chat, email, outbound, voice etc.The design guide says For chat, create only one chat media routing domain.   If then how to set different co...
Good day,Recently our platform migrated to Cisco UCCE 12.6 , after observed the the call Answered and Call Handled in the call type all historical reports is not matching. Checked the guide but not changes in table /columns /data structure. The call ...
Hi, Recently upgraded the UCCE 11.x to 12.6 and Finesse supports only HTTPS;   Converted the gadget to HTTPS uploaded the certificates in Finesse and Tomcat server (external gadget application) however its returned error; Cisco guides does not have d...
Hi, How to enter /input  Alphanumeric as DTMF in IVR; does CVP/Call studio has any mechanism /inbuilt  element or logic to recognize Alphabets?We got a new requirement that loan number will have first character as alphabets;for A123456;B123456 etc. F...
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Member Since ‎05-18-2021 09:29 AM
Date Last Visited ‎05-30-2024 01:01 AM
Posts 21
Total Helpful Votes Received 30
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