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Member since ‎07-02-2021

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  • 23 Posts
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  • 150 Helpful votes Given
  • 120 Helpful votes Received
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Hello. Please clarify: Do the 2 VPN tunnel ends each share a unique key= 2 keys in total, or must they use a single same key? I'm confused because I've seen a configuration with only one key... https://youtu.be/sIbi_bYb2k4?t=365In other words, does t...
Hello.I'm tasked with creating order out of an enterprise with 3 branches, with about 200 workstations each.I've read about DNAC Network Assurance, but I have no experience with it.Question: Can DNAC Network Assurance essentially replace the need for...
Hello.My company uses all Cisco hardware. I am seeking a monitoring solution.1. Is DNAC free monitoring software? (I know it does more than monitoring)2. Is DNAC similar to Solar winds?3 Is it unnecessary to use both DNAC and solar winds for monitori...
Hello.I am tasked with erecting ASA 55xx Anyconnect VPN's for teleworkers. I understand the process.Question: As much of the configuration will be the same for each new VPN, is there a way to start with a default template so that minimal configuratio...
Hello.When preparing a remote client AnyConnect configuration with a Cisco ASA, I must have available the client software for him to download.Am I correct in concluding that I must first ask him if he is using Windows, Mac, or Linux, so that I may th...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎07-02-2021 08:47 AM
Date Last Visited ‎01-16-2023 07:40 PM
Posts 23
Total Helpful Votes Received 120