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Member since ‎10-23-2022

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Good Morning All,While I try to export recording from Calabrio Recording I am getting the following error "Error: Encountered invalid or missing SPX file".
Good Morning All I'm not able to download recording in bulk from CUWO. And also the recording are saved in .ezwav file format and I'm not able to convert it into readable format such as wav and mp3.
Dear Community,I have configured all the setting related to PT, CSS, Route Pattern, SIP Profile, SIP Trunk Security Profile and SIP Trunk. Then i configure IP Phone for that particular partition and CSS but the call form IP Phone to Mobile Phone numb...
I have uploaded music on hold and set it to a phone extension in phone configuration under listed field i.e.1) User Hold MOH Audio Source2) Network Hold MOH Audio Sourcebut it doesn't work. Please help!
Can someone correct me, if this is a correct way of using "call Hold" and "Call Unhold".   
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Member Since ‎10-23-2022 08:55 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-09-2023 11:43 PM
Posts 18