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Member since ‎10-16-2002

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Hi,can someone explain me what are the differences between each logging type? Console logging Monitor logging Buffer logging Trap loggingI'm a bit confused, but I believe Console is the log's which we may see when connected via console, b...
Hi,we are having another building being acquired by our company, which is located less then a Km away from our current offices. With an visible eye contact between both lines, I was considering implementing Wifi connection between them. But what's th...
I'm having a problem configuring WPA2 on a Cisco 1231 Access Point, where I see a command which I cannot do on this one, which I could do on 1240 AP's. On the 1240 I've the following config of the SSID: vlan 60 authentication open eap eap_methods...
We are having an issue with a port getting shut due to port-security reasons, from a Mac-Address connected in a different switch.We have the following overall config:errdisable recovery cause udlderrdisable recovery cause bpduguarderrdisable recovery...
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Member Since ‎10-16-2002 10:11 PM
Date Last Visited ‎08-18-2017 03:55 AM
Posts 181
Total Helpful Votes Received 10
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