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Member since ‎10-27-2006

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  • 12 Posts
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  • 10 Helpful votes Given
  • 51 Helpful votes Received
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Hello, We have IWAN fully deployed in our organization already, and the configuration was done in CLI.   I'm looking forward to use IWAN app to centralize WAN management and provide network wide visibility and segmentation with Application Visibility...
I just received a brand new WAVE-574 for our branch office, and noticed that it was shipped with a single drive configuration.  I just bought an additional hard drive from Cisco to go into this WAVE-574 so the disks are configured in a RAID 1 for red...
Currently I have bunch of WAE 511, 512, 612, 674 and the CM are all running on the 4.1.5f.  Since the WAE 511 is going to be EOL, I'm going to replace some of the old 511s with 574/674 but these new WAEs are shipped with 4.2.3.  Would that be a probl...
I am trying to stack up few Catalyst 3750E switches which they will be mounted in different racks. One of these stackwise cable was being just little short even using 3 meter one (CAB-STACK-3M=), I'm wondering if there is anything longer than 3 mete...
Community Statistics
Member Since ‎10-27-2006 08:10 PM
Date Last Visited ‎03-22-2022 03:41 PM
Posts 12
Total Helpful Votes Received 51
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